Getting My Folders Organized

All of us have different ways to organize our respective collections.

You may sort by player, by team, by year, by set, by number, by picture quality, by uniform number, or any combination of those. You may put your cards in shoeboxes, card boxes, binders, toploaders, safes, or who knows what.

But chances are if […]

Thoughts on Upper Deck CEO Richard McWilliam’s death

Today, the industry lost a major player and a highly influential force when Upper Deck Co-Founder and CEO Richard McWilliam died suddenly. Here’s the story from Beckett for any interested in learning more.

My thoughts upon hearing the news were conflicted. Of course I feel for the families and co-workers affected, and I’ll touch on […]

A Blogger’s Best Friend

We almost adopted a cat recently. We were planning to wait until we get a house, but while shopping for our parents’ pets, we saw this certain cat. He was 9 years old and was given up by his previous owners simply because they had a kid and didn’t want to take care of both.


The NCAA Basketball Season Has Started!

Why am I so excited about college basketball? A few reasons.

1) My Chicago Bulls aren’t likely to be too fun to watch until Derrick Rose returns from injury.

2) I think the college game is simultaneously infinitely more fun and infinitely more frustrating to watch due to the raw passion and hustle and lack […]

Big Time

It took much longer than it ever should have, but Community Gum has now reached the 500 post milestone.

It’s a momentous occasion that’s sure to go down in the annals of card bloggery as “another blog post.” Try not to get too teary-eyed.

Yes, 500 posts. If this were the Hall of Fame, our […]

Upper Deck Community Break Box #1: 1999 Upper Deck PowerDeck

Aaaaaannnd, we’re off! For those of you who are new to the breaks, I’ll ask you to be patient. The breaking of the boxes is the easy part. I taped the whole thing, box by box, and those HD videos take a long time to upload (at least an hour each).

I’ve also been having […]

Another Group Break Reminder And One Day Discount – $3 off

Hey, everybody! The Group Break deadline is coming up very very fast and too many good teams are still without homes. I’d like to change that by offering a 1 day only discount!

If you claim AND pay by the end of the day today, I’m going to knock $3 off the current prices for […]

All-Upper Deck Group Break Reminder. Great Teams As Low As $12 For 8 Boxes!

You can find all the details here for my upcoming Group Break (aka Community Break).

It’s coming up faster than you may think. I’m breaking the boxes wide open in less than a week, so I’d like to get more teams claimed and paid for before then.

I know the prices may seem high, […]

All-Upper Deck Community Break Sign-Up Is Now Open!!

It’s that time of year again! To reward you all with sticking with the blog during out down spell (and we’re not quite out of the wood yet, but soon!), we’re bringing you a big ol’ patented COMMUNITY BREAK.

The past couple of years, I’ve held an All-Fleer break and an All-Topps break. This time, […]

What Ryan Dempster’s Trade Means For My Collection

Finally, the answer to the question that’s been burning a whole in your unrelenting hearts is here.

When you heard the news that Ryan Dempster was traded to the Braves Dodgers Yankees??? Rangers, I’m sure the first thing that popped into your head was “What’s this going to mean for Jon’s Ryan Dempster collection? Doesn’t […]