Can’t Spell “Really Big Card Trade” Without GCRL – Part 4

You all know the deal by now. I try to figure out a way to introduce the same blogger and trade package after doing so a few times before. I post some links and then get into showing the cards.

So, allow me to welcome back cards from Jim, who was originally known for his […]

Can’t Spell “Really Big Card Trade” Without GCRL – Part 3

I’m happy with the progress I’ve been making with the blog lately. It’s surprising how frequently I’ve been able to write (haven’t been able to read all that much). I don’t know how long that will keep up, but I’m enjoying it while it lasts. It’s hard to balance my hobbies, sometimes. It’s not a […]

A Quick, Hot Trade

There was a little bit of a winter lull, but recently, I’ve been getting a few packages in my mailbox from you kind people. That means I need to be even more diligent in getting caught up with my existing backlog of trades. I’m getting closer, if you don’t count all of those multi-post trades […]

November 2018 Ebay Wins

Happy Holidays everybody. It’s that time of year where giving is more important than receiving and money is spent on other people in the great name of CONSUMERISM rather than on yourself in the great name of CONSUMERISM. Grow that economy. Spend, spend, spend.

I’m doing my part. Uncle Sam needs you.

My brain is […]

The Optics Of Group Breaks

I’ve inadvertently started a tour of various modes of cardboard acquisition this week. I started with some Twitter purchases (just claimed another card tonight – somebody stop me!), then I went with the tried and true trading, and now we’ll jump on over to the not for everyone Group Break.

I’ve joined a few more […]

October 2018 Ebay Wins

I almost didn’t get this past month’s haul posted this month. Part of this is I’ve had several nights of being out with the wife, or having people visit or whatever else, but the other part is that I was waiting a couple weeks for my last October purchase to arrive.

Late PWE arrival


Trade Bait – 2017 Topps Fire

Day 1 of 7 in another week long trade bait party. Keep coming back and claiming through comments on each post and we’ll finalize after day 7 is done.

Hey there! Take my cards! I have cards. You need cards.

What can you send my way? Take a look at this page right HERE. I’m […]

Trade Package To Be Named Later

With all the crazy MLB trade activity going on in July and August, you hear about that infamous Player to be Named Later thing. It’s a very common tactic among clubs to say that they’ll test drive the main attraction for a month or two and then decide how much he’s actually worth.

Greg, otherwise […]

2018 Cubs – Tenth Ten Games

With this post, I am now tied for last year’s series length. I abandoned the 2017 version of this venture back in December. Yup, I didn’t get very far. Life was different back then.

I’ve been able to keep up with a couple of my regular series, for the most part, which is a nice […]

Sammy Hits A Home Run Of A Trade For Me

A few months ago, I worked out a trade with Cubs Fan Stan ( He serendipitously discovered through a twitter post I made about my selling on Sportlots that I had stuff he needed for his Sammy Sosa collection. A little back and forth and I sent him some of the Stadium giveaway cards that […]