The NCAA Basketball Season Has Started!

Why am I so excited about college basketball? A few reasons.

1) My Chicago Bulls aren’t likely to be too fun to watch until Derrick Rose returns from injury.

2) I think the college game is simultaneously infinitely more fun and infinitely more frustrating to watch due to the raw passion and hustle and lack […]

Big Time

It took much longer than it ever should have, but Community Gum has now reached the 500 post milestone.

It’s a momentous occasion that’s sure to go down in the annals of card bloggery as “another blog post.” Try not to get too teary-eyed.

Yes, 500 posts. If this were the Hall of Fame, our […]

2012 Topps Allen & Ginter Case Break Recap and Review

Ginter! Gint-A-Cuffs! Fighting! Ripping! Ripping Packs! Packs of Ginter!

Video! Finally!

Slow on the draw as usual getting our video and review up for everyone to enjoy and/or summarily ignore. Then to make matters worse, we forgot to shoot our card close-ups! Shoddy craftsmanship. Just you wait. As soon as blogging becomes our full-time […]

Employee Appreciation Day

So, how did you all do in your office cubicle mini-golf tournament?

What’s that? You mean you guys didn’t have an in-the-office putt-putt course set up for Employee Appreciation Day a couple Friday’s ago? What?? You haven’t heard of Employee Appreciation Day?

Truthfully, neither had I. I’ve been with that company for 7 years now, […]

Working to Lift the Ban

Self-imposed bans are tough. Quite a while back, I mentioned that I was in desperate need of cleaning up my trade posts. In an effort to facilitate that, I decided that I wasn’t going to trade anything until I was all caught up.

Well, with my two month absence from the blog due to computer […]

Buckle Up. It’s A Long Road

If you’re wondering why I haven’t posted in a week, maybe what you’re about to see will explain it. You’re going to be treated to a very short introduction this time, because I’m writing 3,000 words or so overall on this doozy of a trade. Things like this take time you know.

The cards below […]

Sporadic Posts, But Still Making Progress

Alright, I’m now into June for my scans. We’re getting somewhere! I might be able to make it into July before the end of the month if I’m lucky. We’ll see. Fingers are crossed.

Next on the list is this trade with Sam of “The Daily Dimwit” fame. Here we begin a trio of trades […]

Bowman and Bubblegum

Boy, it’s tough to maintain Catch-Up September when I don’t post for a week or so.

Good news: I’ve been really busy Bad news: Not all of it has been card related Good news: Some of it is! Bad news: None of that is anything visibly noticeable on the ol’ bloggeroo

Good news: I also […]

It’s A Cardboard Smorgasbord

There’s no doubt in my mind that I’m the last person from BA Benny’s Baseball Card Buffet’s massively awesome group break to show off their goods. I’ve seen a couple of you go through the piles of cards in extreme detail, and most of you give a couple key highlights. I’ll be in that latter […]

2010 Topps Magic Want List

Magic, magic, magic. There’s been more Magic talk on this blog lately than on a Doug Henning Memorial site (albeit with far inferior mustaches here), but I have one more post about this glorious product. The collation in our case was nothing short of remarkable when considering it came from the Topps factories. We’re very […]