Forgot to Set My Watch, Man

Look, I ain’t no Harper Lee, but it sure feels like I’ve been making Cards on Cards wait a long time for the sequel to our trade post. For a refresher, here’s the first section with the oh so clever title. That post covered my other player collections. This one will be all Gwynn all […]

It’s Not What You Think

Okay, it’s exactly what you think. It’s a trade post.

Hey, don’t complain too much. A) It’s something to post besides endless Moments & Milestones cards (still plenty up for trade, just click the tab at the top to lead you to the goods), and B) I’m one step closer to being caught up, and […]

My First 2013 Starlin Castro Cards

I’ve been kind of obsessing over my want lists lately.

It seems like each post is passive-aggressively commenting on the overwhelming amount of new cards being added to the want section while my highlighted “haves” stay put. It brings my whole average down.

Like Starlin Castro batting average down. Let’s just say that we’ve both […]

Moving Backwards

It’s not hard to feel like you’re moving backwards in this hobby sometimes. A new set or two gets released in rapid fire and your want lists suddenly explode, all while you’re still trying (unsuccessfully) to tread water on the last couple sets.

Blogging can be like that, too. You start to make progress with […]

Collecting Milestones

I recently updated my want lists for the first time in 5 months. It was both a cathartic and discouraging process.

Cathartic because I truly enjoy making and compiling my checklists. I’ve always liked making lists. By no means am I an organized person, but organizing things and hobbies into lists or sorting things hits […]

Not So Much Closing Day

Andy and I just took in a Cubs game together. The Cubs defeated the reigning champion Giants 4-3, but not after some come-to-be-expected drama from the Cubs bullpen.

We entered the 9th inning leading 2-0 thanks to solo homers by David DeJesus (which the announcer pronounced Da-Hey-Juice) and Starlin “Still No Walks” Castro. You may […]

The Greatest Trade “Throw-In” Ever

And that’s not me speaking in hyperbole to get a couple extra clicks, either. Will you agree? I guess we’ll find out in a few minutes.

Not too long ago, Dutch Card Guy and I worked out a trade for some of my Topps Minis. He was working on the set and I was able […]

Halls Well That Ends Well

When 2013 Topps came out, I went a little overboard. For a set that I have no intention of completing, I bought way too much. A blaster or a few packs to test the waters is one thing. Buying 3 blasters that basically costs the same as a hobby box is another.

The good news […]

Top 50 Michael Jordan Cards: #40-31

Welcome to part 2 of my Jordan cards countdown. If you want/need to catch up, you can find #50-41 here.

As I was writing up this post, I got a package from Cards on Cards that included a few more new Jordans in it. There were also a lot of other really cool b-ball goodies […]

Blue Tape Brigade

In my most recent post, I sung the praises of the #TwitterTrade. Well…second verse, same as the first.

This time, I’m talking about Charles, aka @SWLVGUY. He’s another must-follow on there. Not only is he a great trader, as you’re about to see, but also a fantastic twitter ambassador for the hobby.

Oh, and he […]