Gint-A-Cuffs VIII: Packs 19-24 – Last Hit(s)

I’ve waited long enough to close this out. 6 more packs. 1 more promised hit. Unknown chance for actually winning.

Let’s tally this up and see where the cards fall. (Please don’t let the cards fall. We don’t want dinged corners.)

Pack 19

Jacoby Ellsbury (-1 for signing a big deal with a big […]

Mad(dux) Men

Don Draper ain’t got nothing on the cardboard industry. Actually, the folks at Sterling Cooper, etc. etc. are much better at placing ads than card companies. Corporations will throw ads into everything. Billboards. Guerrilla Marketing. Product Placement. Promoted Content. Commercials for one product that also has other products in it.

I actually found it kind […]

Gint-A-Cuffs VIII: Packs 13-18

Let’s get back to the fun. Since our last post, the commissioner has made a change to the scoring system. The Numbers Game inserts went from non-scoring up to +2 for each. Because of this, I’ve gone back to fix the posts and totals from my first two parts.

The second half still promises us […]

Gint-A-Cuffs VIII: Packs 7-12

Who’s ready for round 2? The first quarter of the box seemed decent enough. It’s certainly hard to be upset with an autograph as those become increasingly rare.

Pack 7

Hank Aaron Baseball Legends (+2 Legends insert) Brett Gardner (-1 for succeeding in the wrong uniform) Ryan Braun (+2 Numbers Game) Patrick Corbin (+3 […]

Gint-A-Cuffs VIII: Boxtopper and Packs 1-6

Here we go. The last time I participated in Gint-A-Cuffs was 6 years ago during the contest’s second year. Back then we got 205 points, which was not enough to win (scoring was different then).

I actually bought two boxes of A&G this year but my other box was about as basic as you can […]

My Last Long Trade Package

If I’m going to make this blog work for my schedule and my stupidly obsessive scanning and digital cataloging process, I need to shorten the heck out of them. Part of my pending burn out was the internal pressure to show a whole trade in one post, no matter how large. I want to show […]

Pre-National Card Show Post (Shown Way After Actually Going To The National)

In June of 2014, I went to a card show in Rockford.

First, we’ll start with the Cubs team set I bought for $5. At the time I needed 2 cards, but now the rest are either trade bait, or they’ll come in handy if I choose another Cub to replace Starlin.

The kid […]

I’m Back…I Think (At Least For Now)

Even though my interest in blogging had been somewhat waning, I didn’t intend to reduce my output to one post every four months. You can thank my job for that.

Those that have known me for a couple years know that this happened last year as well. The short of it is that my job […]

A Quick Trade Post Diversion

Before my involuntary hiatus, I made quite a few trades. I’m still not sure if I’m fully ready to start up the trading again, even though I’d love to, so for now I’ll have to make due with posting these older trades from over a year ago. Take this trade with Red Sox Fan in […]

Next Year(‘s Cards) Is Here

There is a lot of hype surrounding the Cubs. Even though in 2014 we finished last in the NL Central, somehow Vegas stared the year projecting us as one of the favorites to win the World Series. Granted, this team has been quite a bit better, but I think it’s possibly a tiny bit too […]