Gint-A-Cuffs 9: Packs 19-24 – The Finale

It all comes down to this. 6 packs left. A lot of points need to come close to first. Looking at the leader board, it’s not looking good for this home team. Still, gotta run it out to first for the sportsmanship of it, right?


Jose Canseco – What A Day (+2 Insert) […]

Gint-A-Cuffs 9: Packs 13-18

Half of the box is behind us, and it left two of the three promised hits on the scoring table. With that red Brooklyn mini in there as well, there may not be a whole lot more to boost this box score.

Talking about it isn’t going to help me find out for sure, so […]

Gint-A-Cuffs 9: Packs 7-12

Back again with part two. I feel like the first fourth of the box was pretty solid. Can we keep the momentum going here? Probably not, but who knows. I know it’s going to be an uphill battle without the foil hot box bonus on my side anyway.


Jose Abreu (+2 Favorite Player) […]

Gint-A-Cuffs 9: Boxtopper and Packs 1-6

I’m back for another year of pack fighting. Last year, I managed to grab second place. It was a tough loss. I found a nice book card in my box, but it was no match for a double rip card. Them’s the breaks. We’re not going to find another book card, but maybe we’ll be […]

Trade Bait – 2016 Topps Gypsy Queen

Hey there! Take my cards! I have cards. You need cards.

What can you send my way? Take a look at this page right HERE. I’m willing to trade in your favor if it means getting stuff out of my house faster. Also, if you’re not sure if you have anything from my player specific […]

Trade Bait – 2015 Topps Gypsy Queen

Hey there! Take my cards! I have cards. You need cards.

What can you send my way? Take a look at this page right HERE. I’m willing to trade in your favor if it means getting stuff out of my house faster. Also, if you’re not sure if you have anything from my player specific […]

Digital De-Cluttering – Frank Thomas Edition

Throughout my years of collecting and blogging (over 7 years now….), I’ve either obtained a small amount of cards from one source, or I’ve posted most cards from a package but not all. That leaves a bunch of “master files” taking up space in my scan folders, waiting for inspiration to strike or a theme […]

Trade Bait – 2013 Topps Gypsy Queen

Hey there! Take my cards! I have cards. You need cards.

What can you send my way? Take a look at this page right HERE. I’m willing to trade in your favor if it means getting stuff out of my house faster. Also, if you’re not sure if you have anything from my player specific […]

Trade Bait – 2012 Topps Gypsy Queen

Hey there! Take my cards! I have cards. You need cards.

What can you send my way? Take a look at this page right HERE. I’m willing to trade in your favor if it means getting stuff out of my house faster. Also, if you’re not sure if you have anything from my player specific […]

Digital De-Cluttering – Kerry Wood Edition

The last time I did this kind of post (also the first time), it was fall of last year when I still had hopes that work wouldn’t suck my soul into the upside down. Now we’re in spring, so I can use the whole spring cleaning analogy. Hooray?

Throughout my years of collecting and blogging […]