A Twitter Trade Before the Storm

The dust is starting to settle after the 2017 National. It’s been about a week since it ended and I’m slowly getting organized. Work has put me severely behind and reduced my free time to an anger-inducing extent. I still have to catalog and scan hundreds of cards, so posts about the show and updated […]

Topps Bunt – An Examination of Two Extremes in Parallel Construction

Topps Bunt has only been around as a physical product for a couple years now (as opposed to the digital app) but it’s made a pretty big impression on me.

I think the most appealing part of it is that it’s a budget product that isn’t just a simple rehash like Opening Day or a […]

2017 Cubs – The Fifth 10 Games

I might as well keep the series going, right? I mean, it’s an excuse to show M&M cards after all. I sporadically watch the games but as I mentioned, the Russell thing bothers me so I’m less invested again. Anyway, they’ve played 40 more games after this batch. We’ll worry about that later (at least […]

2015 NSCC #9 – Preparing for 2017

I’m very much itching to get back to the National and I finally bought my tickets. It’s been hit or miss as to whether or not I would be able to get there, but as of now, I’m going to make it.

Work was (and still is) the biggest obstacle. I requested the days off, […]

2017 Cubs – The Fourth 10 Games

So, just like last year, I’ve fallen behind on these posts. Also, like last year, I’m becoming disillusioned with the Cubs in the middle of the year due to a player with an alleged domestic abuse in his history. Maybe I’ll talk about that more later, but even though I had started to collect Addison […]

2017 Cubs – The Third 10 Games

Another 10 games have passed, and the NL Central is a lot more up for grabs that most people would have assumed. Or at least not in the ways we’re currently seeing. I personally thought the Cardinals and Pirates would be threatening. Instead, we have to worry about Brewers and Reds, too. The biggest problem […]

Spoils From Old Boxes

Even though time and work have gotten the best of me the past few years, I’ve still been collecting sporadically to keep me feeling human. Mostly, this just means buying cards, either as singles on ebay or comc, or buying boxes of stuff for the joy of ripping and the intention of trading/selling off the […]

SPx-cial Trade

It’s not uncommon for trades to contain a bunch of cards from the same sets. If you’re a team collector, it probably happens to you all the time. Heck, my upcoming trade bait is going to be set based, so I hope I’ll be sending out a lot of those packages to you.

I’d also […]

2017 Cubs – The Second 10 Games

So, I know I said in the “first 10 games” post that I would be showing off a lot of cards from the new player collections/current Cubs, but then I had an epiphany.

I have a boat load of Moments & Milestones cards because I actively seek them out, and I’ve come across a few […]

2017 Cubs – The First 10 Games

I started to do this last year, but then gave up in July or so. I didn’t follow the team the second half of the year until the playoffs hit. However, this is a new year and the reason I stopped watching the Cubs signed with the Yankees in the off-season, so I’m more excited […]