2018 Cubs – Thirteenth Ten Games

Having 7 straight days of trade bait means I’m slipping behind on this task again. We’re past the 150 game mark and the race is still tense as I write this. Hopefully there is a little more separation by the time this goes live.

For games 121-130, there was a small 3 game losing streak […]

Trade Bait – 2017 Topps Fire

Day 1 of 7 in another week long trade bait party. Keep coming back and claiming through comments on each post and we’ll finalize after day 7 is done.

Hey there! Take my cards! I have cards. You need cards.

What can you send my way? Take a look at this page right HERE. I’m […]

July 2018 Ebay Wins – Part 2 of 2

Welcome to part two of the July card auction explosion. I hope everyone enjoyed the first part. If you missed it, check out the link, because it was full of fun stuff including a rip card (spoiler!)

I’m going to keep the party going here and start off with another big card and end with […]

Sammy Hits Another Home Run Of A Trade For Me

A couple of months ago, I showcased a trade with CubsFanStan where I sent him a few Sammy Sosa cards I had up on Sportlots and he gave me an assortment of good stuff.

Fast forward a little bit and Stan was opening packs on twitter, and a couple things peaked my interest. Not too […]

July 2018 Ebay Wins – Part 1 of 2

June was very light since I was hardly in the country. July, I kind of spoiled myself a bit. After that rough month where all kinds of things were going wrong, I did a little retail auction therapy. It also helped that I had a bit of extra money since I had no extra expenses […]

2018 Cubs – Twelfth Ten Games

I know I just posted the 11th installment of this a couple days ago, but I really do want to stay on top of this season as much as possible. I recognize that no one reads these posts anyway, so this is all about my own personal piece of mind. The division race is starting […]

2018 Cubs – Eleventh Ten Games

My little vacation, paired with the Gint-A-Cuffs posts, have put me a little farther behind on this adventure. By the time this goes up, The Cubs will have played 140 games or so. That’s three more of these posts. With each passing day, the series inches away from me. I’m bound and determined to get […]

Trade Package To Be Named Later

With all the crazy MLB trade activity going on in July and August, you hear about that infamous Player to be Named Later thing. It’s a very common tactic among clubs to say that they’ll test drive the main attraction for a month or two and then decide how much he’s actually worth.

Greg, otherwise […]

2018 Cubs – Tenth Ten Games

With this post, I am now tied for last year’s series length. I abandoned the 2017 version of this venture back in December. Yup, I didn’t get very far. Life was different back then.

I’ve been able to keep up with a couple of my regular series, for the most part, which is a nice […]

2018 Cubs – Ninth Ten Games

I’m feeling fairly confident that I’ll actually be able to finish this series, and close to on time as well. The Cubs have played over 110 games at this point, so I still need to catch up a bit, but aside from a vacation coming up the last week of this month, I don’t have […]