A Big Trade with Mini Collector Bill – Part 2

Back in late September, I posted the first part of a significant trade I made with Bill. As a quick refresher, he responded to some of my Gypsy Queen trade bait posts and we worked out a nice, large exchange – mostly for my budding 2016 WS champ players. Far too many cards for one, […]

Back in Black

I know that yesterday I had a post announcing my annual return, but considering I actually think this could be for good… that probably warrants a second one.

Taking a look at my archives sidebar shows that over the past couple years, there have been long gaps between November and April with no posts, which […]

A Trade Four Years in the Making (Sort of)

Trade bait posts are a wonderful thing. Most of the time, they’ll get a response within the first week if they’re going to get any traction at all.

However, those posts stay active. They still exist. Even now. And on rare occasion, people will find those posts and inquire about trading for some of those […]

A Big Trade with Mini Collector Bill – Part 1

I’ve been holding off on posting some of my more recent trades here, but it’s really time I changed that. The main reason I did is that was the National. I put together some trade bait posts that attracted minimal attention, but at some point I had to lock down my want lists before the […]

Trade Bait – 2015 Topps Gypsy Queen

Hey there! Take my cards! I have cards. You need cards.

What can you send my way? Take a look at this page right HERE. I’m willing to trade in your favor if it means getting stuff out of my house faster. Also, if you’re not sure if you have anything from my player specific […]

Sticking With It

I know my blog activity has been sparse for the past few years and all readership has evaporated, but I do still want to keep things going here. Some of you may know that work is the biggest factor. When things get busy, I’m usually putting in 60-100 hours a week for about 6 months. […]

Another Non-National Card Show Post

I went to a new sort of local card show back in May. Well, it’s not a new show. It’s new to me. Located in Orland Park, this has been going on every month for some time. I’ve thought about making the trek out, but couldn’t convince myself to drive that far for an unknown.


Birthday Cards From A Different Year

Ever since I’ve found my way back into collecting, I’ve tried to treat myself to some sort of cardboard birthday present. Sometimes it’s through boxes of cards, but the past couple years, I’ve gone on a single buying splurge on COMC.

This year, I don’t know if I’m going to buy anything. I still collect […]

2015 NSCC #8 – Relic the Opportunity

The 2016 National Sports Collectors Convention is happening next weekend. I won’t get to go this year. It’s in Atlantic City and I’m not anywhere near there and my travel days are pretty much booked.

Plus Lollapalooza is always that same weekend and I am very near there and my wife bought tickets for Sunday. […]

Award Winner? He IS the Award!

You probably heard this already, but right before the All-Star Game Major League Baseball announced that it was renaming the batting championship trophies for each league.

On the American League side, players will receive the Rod Carew Trophy, a man who ended his career with a .328 average and 7-time batting champion. That news generated […]