Trade Package To Be Named Later

With all the crazy MLB trade activity going on in July and August, you hear about that infamous Player to be Named Later thing. It’s a very common tactic among clubs to say that they’ll test drive the main attraction for a month or two and then decide how much he’s actually worth.

Greg, otherwise […]

2018 Cubs – Tenth Ten Games

With this post, I am now tied for last year’s series length. I abandoned the 2017 version of this venture back in December. Yup, I didn’t get very far. Life was different back then.

I’ve been able to keep up with a couple of my regular series, for the most part, which is a nice […]

A Big Trade with Mini Collector Bill – Part 7

I have a few newer trades that came through over the past couple weeks, which is great. Pretty soon, I’m hoping to get another round of trade bait out there to see what other stuff I can catch. I have a small trip coming up, but after that I’ll hopefully put things together for both […]

ROYGBIV – I’m Seeing Red

Baseball cards are wonderful things with a ton of variety. Some of that variety is from different manufacturers that employ techniques intended to set themselves apart from their competition. Some of that variety is from the same company attempting different product lines with themes intended to catch unique sub-sections of the collectors out there. Some, […]

2018 Cubs – Ninth Ten Games

I’m feeling fairly confident that I’ll actually be able to finish this series, and close to on time as well. The Cubs have played over 110 games at this point, so I still need to catch up a bit, but aside from a vacation coming up the last week of this month, I don’t have […]

Fighting a Losing Battle

Over the past couple months, I’ve been making a more concerted effort to get caught up on trade packages that I received over the past year (things got rough from Oct-Mar). I’m getting closer, but still several blog posts behind over three trade partners. That includes Kerry/Madding at Cards on Cards. I actually have two […]

Blog Bat Around: My Cardboard Bucket List

I’ve done a horrible job of keeping up with other people’s blogs. The past 3-4 years was due to work. Now that I have free time again, I’m playing a lot of catch up with my hobbies. I tend to focus my efforts on writing my own blog, or toying around with my movie reviews […]

A Small Post

Well, it’s Ginter season again, which means chasing those minis is on everyone-who-cares-about-chasing-minis’ minds. For the player collection types like me, it means another round of variations to very slowly go after. It’s a daunting task and I certainly don’t bring in more than what are produced each year, so it’s also a losing battle […]

April 2018 Ebay Wins

In my March post, I mentioned how that month has been historically difficult for me due to work concerns. That’s the big deadline we work toward each year, and it becomes an all-hands on deck, don’t plan anything during nights and weekends affair.

April, on the other hand, is a lot more free. For me […]

An Almost Timely All-Star Game Post

Last night was the All-Star Game in case you didn’t know. Of course you knew. I don’t always watch the game, and I didn’t watch all of it last night either. My wife went to yoga and so I caught a few innings. The game moves a bit too slow with all the circus activities […]