It’s Almost Group Break Time!

It’s been a couple months since I’ve last held a group break of my own. First, it was the wedding holding me back. I guess that’s my first taste of the term “ball and chain,” eh? Now, it’s more a lack of funds. I know not everyone buys the boxes ahead of time, but I […]

Since No One Is Really Commenting Lately

Why, yes, I am still behind in my trade posts. Thank you for asking. What’s that? You want to see one? Oh, I must have misheard. No one said anything. Well, since no one took me up on either of my recent trade bait posts, the punishment is to read an incoming trade. I’m sure […]

My Frank Thomas and Tony Gwynn Collections Have Officially Started

You can find the links to the spreadsheets listing which cards I have and need at this link right here.

I should also mention that my Kerry Wood list is also up there. I didn’t put him in the title, because the title was too long to begin with, and AdamE didn’t send me any […]

More Trade Post Catch-Up Featuring Rhubarb Runner

My second trade with Rhubarb Runner over at “e’ rayhahn, rayhahn” won’t be as cleverly written as the first, I’m afraid. You see, I’m getting desperately behind. There are a million things I want to be writing, but it’s getting down to crunch time for me. And I’m not just talking about the upcoming Community […]