Trading To Fill In Some Junk Wax Gaps – Part 3

So many trades, so little time. I feel like posting trades as every third item is a good way to go, but after getting an influx of packages last month, it’s anxiety-inducing and I feel like I need to do nothing but trades, all the time. Well, until I start hearing people complain about being […]

Trading To Fill In Some Junk Wax Gaps – Part 1

While I didn’t get a massive response to my trade bait posts (I do want to try again soon), I did come out of it with some success. I was also lucky enough to meet a couple new trade partners.

Of of those was John, known on the Trading Card Database as herkojerko (here’s his […]

Maddux Overload – 1994 Edition


The Dallas Cowboys handed the Buffalo Bills their 4th straight Super Bowl loss, earning their second consecutive win in the process.

The New York Rangers finally win a Stanley Cup after a 53-year long drought, then the NHL locked out its players.

George Foreman becomes the oldest ever heavyweight champion boxer.

Olypmic figure skaterNancy […]