Forgot to Set My Watch, Man

Look, I ain’t no Harper Lee, but it sure feels like I’ve been making Cards on Cards wait a long time for the sequel to our trade post. For a refresher, here’s the first section with the oh so clever title. That post covered my other player collections. This one will be all Gwynn all […]

Junk Mail

In my never-ending (and barely-begun) search for all things Stadium Club (baseball-only, non-sticker-auto’d, not-numbered<50), I’ve had to make some seriously questionable purchases. In fact, I’ve made many so far that I’ve not even gotten around to shaming myself with on the blog. But this one I’m moving to the front of the pack because my […]

We Don’t Just Hold Contests – Sometimes We Win Them Too

College Football will be starting up again very shortly. I’m not much of a football guy. If I were a football guy, I don’t think I would be a college football guy. I understand the argument as to why the college game is better. I also understand that I don’t care to keep track of […]