2010 Topps Chrome Baseball Review

Here we are a full month after we busted open our case of 2010 Topps Chrome, and I’m finally getting around to writing our review. Let’s dive in, shiny side first, shall we?

24 packs per box, 4 cards per pack

Main Set I’ve heard a lot of complaints about the quality control on the […]

2010 Topps Football Video Box Break and Review

Oh, fall. The leaves are changing, the air gets crisper… and, once a week I get to look at this little website on Yahoo to be reminded that I don’t know a single damn thing about football. Yes, it’s fantasy time and, of course, I’m playing the guy who has Arian Foster and gets 42 […]

2008 Upper Deck Masterpieces Baseball Review

Masterpieces, Masterpieces, Masterpieces. Bring back Masterpieces. Why won’t they bring back Masterpieces. I’ve heard from bloggers over and over lately. One of you even took it upon yourself to create a placeholder virtual set.

While this wasn’t a product I knew about until I came back to the hobby (just like virtually every product, really), […]

2002 Topps Total Baseball Review

Topps Total, Topps Total, Topps Total. Bring back Topps Total. Why won’t they bring back Topps Total. I’ve heard it from bloggers over and over lately. I figured it was time to see what all the hype was about. This was a product I didn’t know existed until I started reading blogs. It came […]

1997 Fleer Baseball Series 2 Review

Okay, you’ve had time to let those other two boxes sink into your skull holes, and I’m sure they’re fully processed by now and you’re itching for more box busting excitement. Well, then you’ve come to the right place!

One of the main reasons I wanted to grab a box of 1997 Fleer wasn’t […]

2004 Upper Deck Vintage Review

It’s been our customary couple day lag between posts [unfortunately – this time I was shooting a new sketch for www.itsnotabook.com (follow us on twitter as well, because we need more followers, oh, and on facebook)], so you’ve had a chance to let your eyes adjust to the bright reflective surfaces of Ionix. Almost all […]

1999 Upper Deck Ionix Review

I’ve delayed it enough. It’s time to get a little in-depth with the Community Break boxes. No more wasting time. I’m just going to get right into it. Run through it real quick. So, here’s my review without further delay. Get your coffee and grab a seat. There will be no commercial breaks. Time to […]

2005 Leaf Baseball Review

With Topps dominating the baseball card market, the pickings are a little bit slimmer than what I hear is usual. I’m still in my first full year back into collecting after exiting around 1997-98, so I don’t have much to compare it to. Honestly, I kind of like that there aren’t that many products out. […]

2010 Topps Series 2 Review

We never did a formal review for series 1, so this one is going to be double-y review-y. And a little behind the times.

Main Set/Quality Control

I had to modify the header of this section because quality control is such a key problem. If you suffered through our video box break, you saw how […]

2010 Topps National Chicle Baseball Review

Baseball cards are steeped in nostalgia. Nostalgia for a simpler time yadda yadda yadda. Cornball as it sounds, nostalgia is what brought a lot of us back to the hobby after being seriously burned as youngsters during the junk wax era. It was the siren song of Heritage that brought this burnt collector back into […]