This Blog Is Still Active?

As you guys have probably noticed, posting on the blog has been sparse once again.  Let’s not sugarcoat things.  It’s kind of pathetic.

Just like all the other times this has happened, we have good reasons (although, it’s terrible that we have to even get to this point to begin with).  We’ve both been working like freakin’ dogs.  Seriously.  Andy has freelanced non-stop for eons.  I’ve been dealing with the repercussions of having my department gutted through quitting and inter-office moves.  Basically that means that one of the two departments I handle should have two full-time workers and me doing supervisory and review-type functions, but currently it’s just me expected to carry the workload of all three on my back.  It doesn’t help when the temp-to-perm workers you hire can’t cut it even after nearly two months of training.  It’s a difficult position with a large amount of attention to detail and information retention required.  It’s not for everyone, but we sometimes can’t tell unless we throw them into the fire.

What that means is most likely my schedule at work isn’t likely to free up anytime soon as I’m back to square one.  What that also means is that I haven’t had time to write anything here or read anything that you guys have been writing.  I’m missing about 99.5% of the blogging out there.  I’m having difficulty finding time to (or remembering to) respond to emails and comments that you send.  Basically, things are a mess for now so I ask for your patience.  I have several trades and a couple box breaks to post eventually.  I also still plan to hold my yearly massive group break to be held at the end of October.  We’re not abandoning the blog.  There are about 10 drafts in various levels of completion waiting in the wings.  Posts may be sparse, but they will exist.  Eventually.

Now, despite all of this — despite the fact this isn’t the first time we’ve essentially fallen off the face of the earth — despite the fact that we very infrequently comment on (or unfortunately even get to read) other people’s blogs — you all have been very kind to us.  I’ve talked in the past about this kindness and how sometimes people have even sent us some cards for free.  That’s happened a couple more times lately, and we have a repeat offender, er…supporter.

I think we all know from his monthly contests and other dealings just how generous Brian of Play at the Plate truly is.  If you don’t, then you probably are pretty new to blogging, so give it time and take a look at the latest example.

Run, Ryno, Run

To start it off, we have a retail rack pack Gold Frame parallel from this year’s Gypsy Queen.  I don’t specifically collect Sandberg, but it’s still pretty cool to have.  It’s actually now my third Cub Gold Frame.  I got the Andre Dawson and Ernie Banks for less than the cost of a stamp shipped because I was picking up other similarly cheap cards from a dealer on ebay.

Awww, his elbow's wearing a hat too.

This card was the catalyst of the freebie package.  I left one of my few comments on a pack break post including this card.  I mentioned my interest and lo!  To the moon!  The Moonshots inserts talk about a specific home run in that player’s history. In Frank’s case, it was a 519-foot monster hit during the 1994 Home Run Derby.  I tried to find a video of it, but no such luck.  All we have is this card for posterity.

Cue the Terminator 2 Theme

I love Ultra.  I know I’ve said that a few times, but look at how cool this card is.  And, honestly, how amazing is it that Brian straight-up gave me a relic card of a future Hall of Famer?  That jersey piece feels very dense and thick.  Great placement for it, too.  Right in the gear. The only way it could be better is if it rotated or had a motor or something.

Oh, there's pressure alright. Still a lot of pressure.

And what’s this?  Another one?  Way too generous.  I have a few Bazooka cards here and there, but this is my first relic experience.  I must say, it’s quite awkward.  I could understand the star burst if it was a night time drawing and the relic was in the sky, but instead it looks like Kerry’s going to step into a pit or a beach ball on the ground and injure himself.  Oh…that’s what they were going for. I get it now.

Thank you again, Brian.  You show a lot of love to a lot of bloggers and it certainly doesn’t go unnoticed.  My hope is that someday I can figure out a good way to really repay you so it doesn’t go completely un-reciprocated either.  Oh, and to write regularly.

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