Enter Sandman

Twitter is fun place for sports cards. Other things, not so much. I’m not as active on there as I might like to be, but I’m trying to get better. I’m also not very good at following people on there, so if you’re a blogger or reader and I don’t follow you, let me know […]

Documenting an Angel of a Trade – Part 4

Very shortly, I’ll stop the three package rotation of trades I’ve been carrying on lately. I need to squeeze in some new trades that are trickling in, or recently arrived. I’m hoping that the sooner I can post the newer stuff, the more likely people will be to trade with me. Probably not how it […]

Introducing the Joe Maddon Collection

This is part six of a twenty-five part series chronicling my budding collections of the 2016 World Series champion Cubs. Obviously, I’ve already starting showing off some of those cards, but I wanted to offer a formal introduction to the various players. With my legacy player collections, I’m still going to attempt to show every […]

2017 NSCC #7 – Needles In A Haystack

The 2018 National is starting today and I will not be attending. Maybe I’ll go to Cleveland in a future year, but not this time. Further east seems like less of an option. I could drive to Ohio, but I don’t want to pay for a flight to go farther than that. The good news […]

Fighting a Losing Battle

Over the past couple months, I’ve been making a more concerted effort to get caught up on trade packages that I received over the past year (things got rough from Oct-Mar). I’m getting closer, but still several blog posts behind over three trade partners. That includes Kerry/Madding at Cards on Cards. I actually have two […]

A Big Trade with Mini Collector Bill – Part 6

So, I don’t know how many people read this blog, because the last time I turned on analytics, it broke the wordpress theme, and I’m too lazy to troubleshoot something I’m not trying to monetize.

But, if you do read regularly, how many of you noticed my recent attempts at a pattern? My goal is […]

April 2018 Ebay Wins

In my March post, I mentioned how that month has been historically difficult for me due to work concerns. That’s the big deadline we work toward each year, and it becomes an all-hands on deck, don’t plan anything during nights and weekends affair.

April, on the other hand, is a lot more free. For me […]

Trading For Former Cubs

I’m not great at thinking of titles, and I foolishly didn’t think of a good title to throw a “Part 1” after, like I’ve tried to do with others recently. So, now I’m sitting here brainstorming new titles for each set of cards from Kerry/Madding at Cards on Cards. To make matters worse, I didn’t […]

A Big Trade with Mini Collector Bill – Part 5

Back in late September, I posted the first part of a significant trade I made with Bill, then in April I got back on track and showed off part 2. May saw part 3, and June gave us part 4. A month later and we have part 5. As a quick refresher, he responded to […]

2018 Cubs – Seventh Ten Games

After giving us the best ten game stretch of the season, the team regressed a bit and went 5-5 in the next ten games. I’m pretty sure that at this point, we relinquished the division lead to the Brewers by the end of this and have not been able to take it back as of […]