More Trade Post Catch-Up Featuring Rhubarb Runner

My second trade with Rhubarb Runner over at “e’ rayhahn, rayhahn” won’t be as cleverly written as the first, I’m afraid. You see, I’m getting desperately behind. There are a million things I want to be writing, but it’s getting down to crunch time for me. And I’m not just talking about the upcoming Community […]

Trading with Night Owl

I would try to think of some kind of pun or clever title for the trade, but I’m probably the last blogger in the universe to have traded with Night Owl and all the good ones have already been done before. So…instead, you all get to look at some of my favorites in the bundle […]

Starting My Maddux Collection

Those of you that follow our blog know that I recently announced that I am collecting a few players. Ryan Theriot, Ryan Dempster (in a Cubs uniform only to start), and Greg Maddux get the honor of being placed in binders and sought after in card shops and show floors.

Theriot and Dempster shouldn’t be […]

1993 Topps Stadium Club Series 3 box break / Andy’s introduction

As an introduction from the other half of Community Gum (that’s Andy for those keeping score), here’s the very first box break we’ve ever done. Check out all the 31337 MoJo HITZ!!1

Now that the best 8 minutes of your day is done, I’ll explain a bit about myself and what inspired me to […]