Top 50 Michael Jordan Cards: #40-31

Welcome to part 2 of my Jordan cards countdown. If you want/need to catch up, you can find #50-41 here.

As I was writing up this post, I got a package from Cards on Cards that included a few more new Jordans in it. There were also a lot of other really cool b-ball goodies […]

Maddux Overload – 1993 Edition


The Buffalo Bills lost their third straight Super Bowl.

Monica Seles was stabbed by a crazy fan on the tennis court.

The Chicago Bulls win their third straight NBA Championship.

The Montreal Canadiens win the Stanley Cup.

The Colorado Rockies and Florida Marlins play their inaugural seasons and Joe “Touch ‘Em All” Carter hits […]

Big Time

It took much longer than it ever should have, but Community Gum has now reached the 500 post milestone.

It’s a momentous occasion that’s sure to go down in the annals of card bloggery as “another blog post.” Try not to get too teary-eyed.

Yes, 500 posts. If this were the Hall of Fame, our […]

Stadium Club-a-palooza!

As some of you may know (or may have once known and forgotten because I haven’t posted in over a month) I (Andy) am a Stadium Club fan. In fact, I’ve made it my long-term goal to collect everything Stadium Club baseball. So naturally, when one of our oldest blogging pals Colbey over at Cardboard […]

A Rally Cry For the Brewers (aka Inadvertent Jinxing)

Keep watching this space, because on Sunday I’ll be unveiling something that will keep this blog occupied for some time starting in late October. Once that starts up, I won’t want to stop everything to wedge in a trade post.

Luckily, I have no qualms about squeezing one more in before the announcement. Then I’m […]

Work I Actually Enjoy

How well I’m doing my job is based on one metric above all else: time. To stay “current” I have to keep the workflow within two weeks of today’s date. Everything else should fall into place from there. If I get the work processed in a timely manner, the cycle continues, and money comes through […]

We Don’t Just Hold Contests – Sometimes We Win Them Too

College Football will be starting up again very shortly. I’m not much of a football guy. If I were a football guy, I don’t think I would be a college football guy. I understand the argument as to why the college game is better. I also understand that I don’t care to keep track of […]

1992 Stadium Club Members Only “3” “Pack” “Break”

This post brought to you by my new favorite Tumblr: The Blog of “Unnecessary” Quotation Marks. Of course, since that’s my number 2 English language pet peeve (behind only unnecessary apostrophes), I won’t be using any quotation marks unnecessarily. I will instead be using them excessively and with a great deal of sarcasm. In this […]

My Frank Thomas and Tony Gwynn Collections Have Officially Started

You can find the links to the spreadsheets listing which cards I have and need at this link right here.

I should also mention that my Kerry Wood list is also up there. I didn’t put him in the title, because the title was too long to begin with, and AdamE didn’t send me any […]

I’m Joining The Club

Well, it’s official. After a year of getting my collection whittled down and in order, I’m prepared to launch into a new stage of collecting. As a kid, I was a set collector. Sure, I jumped at trades for any and every Sandberg, Grace, Dawson, Canseco and McGwire cards I could get my hands on, […]