It’s Your Choice

I voted on Sunday.

Please consult your election volunteers for instructions

I don’t get political on this blog (or in public forums) for several reasons, but that doesn’t mean I’m not a political person. I am, and I do tend to agree with one side more often than another. I’m registered to vote as […]

Calling All Card Detectives – A 5X7 Mystery

Okay, so as the title mentions, I need a little help. I hope you’ll bear with me to the end (or at least skip there) to see if we can crack this case. I’m not the most knowledgeable collector by any means, but I’m resourceful enough to find most cards that are tough to identify.


Birthday Cards From A Different Year

Ever since I’ve found my way back into collecting, I’ve tried to treat myself to some sort of cardboard birthday present. Sometimes it’s through boxes of cards, but the past couple years, I’ve gone on a single buying splurge on COMC.

This year, I don’t know if I’m going to buy anything. I still collect […]

Mad(dux) Men

Don Draper ain’t got nothing on the cardboard industry. Actually, the folks at Sterling Cooper, etc. etc. are much better at placing ads than card companies. Corporations will throw ads into everything. Billboards. Guerrilla Marketing. Product Placement. Promoted Content. Commercials for one product that also has other products in it.

I actually found it kind […]

2015 NSCC #8 – Relic the Opportunity

The 2016 National Sports Collectors Convention is happening next weekend. I won’t get to go this year. It’s in Atlantic City and I’m not anywhere near there and my travel days are pretty much booked.

Plus Lollapalooza is always that same weekend and I am very near there and my wife bought tickets for Sunday. […]

My Last Long Trade Package

If I’m going to make this blog work for my schedule and my stupidly obsessive scanning and digital cataloging process, I need to shorten the heck out of them. Part of my pending burn out was the internal pressure to show a whole trade in one post, no matter how large. I want to show […]

2015 NSCC #7 – Continuing the Series

This weekend I went to a card show for the first time since attending the NSCC. It’s a monthly show down in Orland Park, which is a bit of a drive for me. I’ve never made it out to this venue, but I’ve been itching to search some bins and it’s advertised as 70 Tables […]

Pre-National Card Show Post (Shown Way After Actually Going To The National)

In June of 2014, I went to a card show in Rockford.

First, we’ll start with the Cubs team set I bought for $5. At the time I needed 2 cards, but now the rest are either trade bait, or they’ll come in handy if I choose another Cub to replace Starlin.

The kid […]

Are We Having Fun Yet? I Am!

Today’s trade post comes courtesy of Nolan’s Dugout. I made this trade with him over a year ago (as is going to be the case for most of the trades you’ll see), so I don’t really remember everything we’re going to see today. Kyle doesn’t blog very much, which is a shame because his posts […]

Double Birthday

There was a time when I could put together blog posts and offer up cards for trade on a semi-regular basis. I even briefly offered up weekly trade bait (which became less frequent). You can still find those posts over here, and many of those cards are still available – just ask. I really need […]