2012 Topps Allen & Ginter Case Break Recap and Review

Ginter! Gint-A-Cuffs! Fighting! Ripping! Ripping Packs! Packs of Ginter!

Video! Finally!

Slow on the draw as usual getting our video and review up for everyone to enjoy and/or summarily ignore. Then to make matters worse, we forgot to shoot our card close-ups! Shoddy craftsmanship. Just you wait. As soon as blogging becomes our full-time […]

2012 Topps Series 2 Baseball Review and 5 Case Breakdown

We did it for series 1, so you know we had to do it for series 2. 5 whole cases of the stuff. That’s a lot of wrappers, a lot of cards, and a lot of work. Something tells me 2 will be our limit going forward.

Let’s dispense with the pleasantries, shall we? Everyone […]

2011-12 Panini Past & Present Basketball Video Box Break & Review

Back in March, I did something I rarely do. I posted a preview for an upcoming product. While this blog comments on hobby news here and there, it’s usually in a editorial/commentary fashion rather than a straight-up news format. What made it even more unusual was that it was for a basketball product. I’ve flirted […]

What’s In A Case of 2012 Topps Archives Baseball? Group Break Recap & Review

You’ve waited long enough, but before we start with the scans and everything, I want to let you all know about some technical difficulties we had streaming the break.

Evidently, ustream has recently instituted a cap on live broadcast recording time. So, the video you see below is only about half of the full break. […]

A Gimmick of Our Own… 3D Box Breaks!

Hate gimmicks? Hate ironic nostalgia of junk wax era? Hate 25 minute box break videos?!

Then this post is not for you!

If you less-than-hate any or all of those things, let me present something that is bound to amuse you for at least 5% of its running time!


2012 Topps Series 1 Baseball Review and 5-Case Recap

Phew! Who knew baseball cards could be so much work! Still, even after opening five Jumbo cases for our business venture, you won’t hear either of us complaining (well, maybe after 16 hours straight of back-breaking sorting). You’ve seen a little taste of what to expect on our video from a few days ago, and […]

2012 Topps Series 1 Box Break

I just woke up after spending literally all day and night sorting the 5 cases of 2012 Topps Series One. My back is killing me. But, oh, the fun! (Of ripping, not sorting. Sorting is a nightmare). I won’t spoil anything big because we’ll have our breakdown up by tomorrow at the latest, but let’s […]