A Hot Dog Of A Trade – Part 1 of 2

Time to check in with a name that should be familiar to recent frequent readers of the blog. Bill, known as minibbcards on the Trading Card Database (his want list is found here) sent me a huge stack of cards earlier in my World Series Cubs pursuit, and I was able to turn that into […]

Put It All On Black Backgrounds

I’m still working on my next color coded post. I just need to format a couple more orange parallels and then write stuff about each one. It’s going to take more time that it sounds, and so today, we’re going to look into the void.

Join me on a journey into the emptiness that represents […]

August 2018 Ebay Wins

July was full of big acquisitions. Possibly too many. Overcompensating is a word that comes to mind. August wasn’t quite as big in terms of cards, but it still managed to be pretty dang nice as you’ll see. September, on the other hand, will be much lighter, but we’ll talk about that in a couple […]

2018 Cubs – Fourteenth Ten Games

Yeah, I’m back to this already. I understand that these aren’t the most compelling posts, but it’s a good way to show off some cards without actually thinking of a coherent theme. I’m happy I’ve gotten this far into the project and I want to get up to date so I can see it through.


A Big Trade with Mini Collector Bill – Part 8 of 8

The time has come to end this saga. I started showing off this trade in September 2017. Then work got in the way for a few months (part 2 went up in April), and I wanted to give air time to other trades along the way as well, but nearly exactly a year later the […]

2018 Cubs – Eleventh Ten Games

My little vacation, paired with the Gint-A-Cuffs posts, have put me a little farther behind on this adventure. By the time this goes up, The Cubs will have played 140 games or so. That’s three more of these posts. With each passing day, the series inches away from me. I’m bound and determined to get […]

Trade Package To Be Named Later

With all the crazy MLB trade activity going on in July and August, you hear about that infamous Player to be Named Later thing. It’s a very common tactic among clubs to say that they’ll test drive the main attraction for a month or two and then decide how much he’s actually worth.

Greg, otherwise […]

Fighting a Losing Battle

Over the past couple months, I’ve been making a more concerted effort to get caught up on trade packages that I received over the past year (things got rough from Oct-Mar). I’m getting closer, but still several blog posts behind over three trade partners. That includes Kerry/Madding at Cards on Cards. I actually have two […]

A Small Post

Well, it’s Ginter season again, which means chasing those minis is on everyone-who-cares-about-chasing-minis’ minds. For the player collection types like me, it means another round of variations to very slowly go after. It’s a daunting task and I certainly don’t bring in more than what are produced each year, so it’s also a losing battle […]

April 2018 Ebay Wins

In my March post, I mentioned how that month has been historically difficult for me due to work concerns. That’s the big deadline we work toward each year, and it becomes an all-hands on deck, don’t plan anything during nights and weekends affair.

April, on the other hand, is a lot more free. For me […]