Greetings From India

Hi everybody. Greetings from halfway around the world. I’m currently sitting in a hotel room in a lesser known, but still incredibly busy city in India for a work trip.

It is not going well. I do not wish you were here. Actually, that’s partly not true. It would be great if someone were here […]

2018 Cubs – Third Ten Games

I’m temporarily back to the blog. After spending a week in London and Scotland, I got home Sunday night, picked up my dog from the parents on Monday and largely caught up on work today. I do want to talk about my trip in some detail, but I’m anxious to get something posted now. Hopefully […]

December 2017 Ebay Wins Part 1

November may have been a lighter month, but December made up for it. As you can tell from the title, I’ll need a second part to get through it all. It’s interesting to look back and see how this all shakes out. I can try to speculate as to why I find more on certain […]

November 2017 Ebay Wins

November was a pretty slow month. Maybe the sellers were putting less up on the auction block as they prepared for the holidays, or maybe they were pricing things too high to maximize their dollars to pay for the holidays. Whatever the case, it was a light inbound season for me with only 5 new […]

2018 Cubs – Second Ten Games

Baseball season is no longer in its infancy. We’re already in the toddler stages and at close to thirty games played, teams are starting to show us what they’ll be when they grow up. Stepping back to the first 20 games, the Cubs have shown that there’s still quite a bit of development left.

I […]

October 2017 Ebay Wins

Another month, another round of saved searches bearing gifts that I bought for myself. This was my birthday month, but I didn’t expand my budget. Even so, I wound up with quite a few good cards at a reasonable price. I have several months backlogged, so let’s just get into it.

fake 1997 patch […]

A Few Good Group Breaks

2017 was a decent year for me on a personal level. Aside from the last couple months of the year, I did find myself with more free time from work than I had the past few years (although this new position is going to be even better and would be the normal 9-5 schedule a […]

Second Part of September 2017 Ebay Wins

September was a busy card buying month. So much so, that I had to split this up into two parts. If you missed the first batch (along with the much lighter August), go ahead and click here. Otherwise, join me on this buying adventure recap. I’m sort of trying the Uno thing again too, at […]

August 2017 and First Part of September 2017 Ebay Wins

Okay, I’m a few months behind on this now. August was a lighter month for me. I wouldn’t say I took a break from Ebay, but I was a little more discerning. I was coming off of the National, so the vast majority of my card budget was already well-spent. I needed to stay focused […]

Back in Black

I know that yesterday I had a post announcing my annual return, but considering I actually think this could be for good… that probably warrants a second one.

Taking a look at my archives sidebar shows that over the past couple years, there have been long gaps between November and April with no posts, which […]