Introducing the Albert Almora Collection

This is part nine of a twenty-five part series chronicling my budding collections of the 2016 World Series champion Cubs. Obviously, I’ve already starting showing off some of those cards, but I wanted to offer a formal introduction to the various players. With my legacy player collections, I’m still going to attempt to show every […]

I’ve Seen This Before

Whether you like it or not (and the answer is probably not), reprints are a part of the hobby these days and they don’t show signs of leaving anytime soon.

It’s understandable that card companies want to celebrate their history and take advantage of what’s already well known to potentially draw interest. I imagine it […]

2018 Cubs – Sixteenth Ten Games (+4)

So we’ve come to the end. I’m going to have one more post on the 2018 season to recap the overall player of the game counts and do whatever else I want. That should be interesting to me and me alone. Honestly, I’m just excited that I was able to actually make it through this […]

Documenting an Angel of a Trade – Part 6 of 6

This is only my second post in October. Maybe I’ll get into why that is another time. All I’ll really say is that I’m now even farther behind on everything. I’ve mentioned it before, but I have a couple newer trades that still have not been showcased, and more new trades have come in the […]

2017 NSCC #9 – I’m Still Dumb

A couple years ago, I outlined how terrible my memory is by showing cards I bought at the NSCC that I already owned (or that accidentally bought twice at the show). Well, it happened again. This time, it was on a larger scale since I had a bigger budget.

Still no real excuse for a […]

No Trade Deadline Here

The MLB trading deadline has come and gone. Rosters have been expanded for a few weeks and we’re in the waning days of the regular season. But just because the actual teams can’t swap players doesn’t mean that collectors can’t swap cards of those players. There are no deadlines in hobbies. Occasionally there are temporary […]

A Big Trade with Mini Collector Bill – Part 8 of 8

The time has come to end this saga. I started showing off this trade in September 2017. Then work got in the way for a few months (part 2 went up in April), and I wanted to give air time to other trades along the way as well, but nearly exactly a year later the […]

2018 Cubs – Twelfth Ten Games

I know I just posted the 11th installment of this a couple days ago, but I really do want to stay on top of this season as much as possible. I recognize that no one reads these posts anyway, so this is all about my own personal piece of mind. The division race is starting […]

A Big Trade with Mini Collector Bill – Part 7

I have a few newer trades that came through over the past couple weeks, which is great. Pretty soon, I’m hoping to get another round of trade bait out there to see what other stuff I can catch. I have a small trip coming up, but after that I’ll hopefully put things together for both […]

June 2018 Ebay Wins

June was a bad month. I don’t really want to talk about June. I was rarely home. Bad things happened. It was a mess and a dark time.

Being overseas, I didn’t want to look at stuff to buy. I didn’t want to expose my paypal to any foreign IPs, etc. So, it was a […]