A Rally Cry For the Brewers (aka Inadvertent Jinxing)

Keep watching this space, because on Sunday I’ll be unveiling something that will keep this blog occupied for some time starting in late October. Once that starts up, I won’t want to stop everything to wedge in a trade post.

Luckily, I have no qualms about squeezing one more in before the announcement. Then I’m […]

I Bought A Repack Box

There. I said it. I’m not necessarily proud of it, but we’ve all been there.

I bought this in a particularly down time in my collecting life. I was on the hunt for some new NBA Sticker hotness (find my want/trade list on my trade page) and again had come up empty. I needed to […]

2009 Upper Deck Philadelphia Football video box break!

As promised, here’s the video edition of the Philadelphia break that birthed Jon’s in-depth review. Be sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel and leave some comments- it makes us feel special! Oh, and don’t forget to subscribe to our Twitter to get all the latest updates!
