Back From Vacation – Unpacking Some Clothes

The blog has been silent for a little while once again. Part of the reason for the lack of activity was that I went on a little vacation. I flew down to Atlanta to visit my brother and attend Dragon Con for the first time. Then I came back home and relaxed for the rest […]

It’s a COMC X-Mas (2013, Part 5 of 5)

Welcome to the last part of my initial Check Out My Cards purchase. If you’re just joining us, you can find the other parts of the countdown here, here, here, and here.

I bought a total of 85 serially numbered cards as a Christmas present to myself in 2013, which was split into 5 parts […]

Trade with For Cards Sake

Hey, everybody! Once again, sorry for the lack of posts lately. We’ve both been out of town for a wedding and didn’t have time to load up anything to run while we were gone. I need to up my production, and I’m going to start by finally acknowledging my side of a trade completed with […]