How Many Maddux Relics

I’m not the first to be inspired by The Chronicles of Fuji, and I won’t be the last. However, I will probably be the only to be inspired by this specific post where he said he had collected an impressive 70 Greg Maddux relics so far.

As a fellow Maddux collector, it got me wondering […]

A Big Trade with Mini Collector Bill – Part 7

I have a few newer trades that came through over the past couple weeks, which is great. Pretty soon, I’m hoping to get another round of trade bait out there to see what other stuff I can catch. I have a small trip coming up, but after that I’ll hopefully put things together for both […]

2017 NSCC #6 – Sample Size Swatches

At the show, I expanded my budget a little bit. I put a little cash aside each month just for this show, which was thankfully easier due to paying off my car and credit cards a while back. That allowed me to spend more time in boxes that weren’t $1 or less, and expand my […]

Next Year(‘s Cards) Is Here

There is a lot of hype surrounding the Cubs. Even though in 2014 we finished last in the NL Central, somehow Vegas stared the year projecting us as one of the favorites to win the World Series. Granted, this team has been quite a bit better, but I think it’s possibly a tiny bit too […]