2016 Cubs – The First 10 Games

I don’t know if this is going to be a regular thing or not, but I’m excited that baseball is back.

I’m more excited that the Cubs started off the season performing very well. 8 out of 10 ain’t bad. It’s actually really good. And it’s a great bonus that the other NL Central teams […]

I’m Back…I Think (At Least For Now)

Even though my interest in blogging had been somewhat waning, I didn’t intend to reduce my output to one post every four months. You can thank my job for that.

Those that have known me for a couple years know that this happened last year as well. The short of it is that my job […]

Still Undeserved

A little over a month ago, I posted the first part of a very large trade package I received from reader Nick M. It’s taken a while to find the drive to finish this post as work is picking up again, my house is still experiencing issues that need attention, and holiday stuff is starting […]


I know I’ve been questioning whether or not to continue the blog, but I can unquestioningly say that I’ve been extremely lucky with the bloggers and readers I’ve “met.” It’s a great community, and I highly recommend it to people that have the time. I’m very sorry that I haven’t for a while.

Nick M […]

Guaranteed Winners (AKA “In The Black”)

I’ve been pretty inactive on this blog, as you can likely tell. I wish I could claim it was simply due to work taking over my life again, but it’s not true. I’m simply having a tough time finding the inspiration or motivation to write.

Baseball cards are still great, and I’m not currently planning […]

It’s a COMC X-Mas (2013, Part 4 of 5)

Welcome to the second to last part of my initial Check Out My Cards purchase. If you’re just joining us, you can find the other parts of the countdown here, here, and here.

I bought a total of 85 serially numbered cards as a Christmas present to myself in 2013, which will be split into […]

A Quick Trade Post Diversion

Before my involuntary hiatus, I made quite a few trades. I’m still not sure if I’m fully ready to start up the trading again, even though I’d love to, so for now I’ll have to make due with posting these older trades from over a year ago. Take this trade with Red Sox Fan in […]

Back In The Good Days

This blog used to be cooler, and more interesting. We would have various different ideas for blog posts to hopefully keep the readers engaged. Or at least I thought we did. We also used to be a we. I think it’s safe to say that Andy is retired from the blog. But that’s not what […]

2015 NSCC #1 – Figuring Things Out

Yay! It’s about time I start talking about the National Sports Collector’s Convention, right? Sorry for the delay everyone. There will be a lot to go through over the weeks and months. Yes, months. That’s what’s bound to happen with my schedule and when you buy hundreds of cards and several boxes in a single […]

Unparalleled Trade Partner, Multi-Parallel Trade

I know people are probably anxious to see posts recapping my adventure at the 2015 National Sports Collectors Convention, but that’s going to wait a bit longer as I organize more stuff. For now, here’s a package that basically feels like a mini-National.

Brian from Play at the Plate has always been a great supporter […]