National Catch-Up – Wood Edition

Just like I did with Maddux, Thomas and Gwynn, I am trying to use the looming NSCC as an excuse to show off some of the cards that I bought at my first National Convention back in 2015. I have a bunch of cards from 4 years ago that still have not made their way […]

Starting To Sample My Latest Sportlots Order

A few months ago, I went on a little bit of a credit spending spree on Sportlots. I had (and still have) a good chunk of change in my account from selling over the years and not cashing out for far too long. I figured it was time to flesh out my collections a bit […]

Maddux Overload – 2002 Edition


The New England Patriots beat the St. Louis Rams for their first NFL championship shortly after the tragic events of 9/11, so a lot of people put extra meaning on that team winning, but I’ll let you decide if it was warranted.

The Los Angeles Lakers win their third straight title, this time against […]

The Happiest Guy On Cardboard

Ha ha! Happy April Fool’s Day! You Fool!


This guy isn’t happy! He never smiles on his cards.

Hmm? Were you trying to tell a joke?

You fell for it! He won’t even smile when he’s on an All-Star team!

Die cut version

That’s not how you wear your baseball hat! […]

Alright, Fine! Here Are Some Green Cards

I wasn’t going to do this today. I have a ROYGBIV rainbow series that I started and haven’t continued for a very stupid reason that my stupid mind can’t let go of. I’ll have green cards when I get to the letter G.

Besides, since it’s St. Patrick’s Day, just about every blog in the […]

How Many Maddux Relics

I’m not the first to be inspired by The Chronicles of Fuji, and I won’t be the last. However, I will probably be the only to be inspired by this specific post where he said he had collected an impressive 70 Greg Maddux relics so far.

As a fellow Maddux collector, it got me wondering […]

2017 NSCC #9 – I’m Still Dumb

A couple years ago, I outlined how terrible my memory is by showing cards I bought at the NSCC that I already owned (or that accidentally bought twice at the show). Well, it happened again. This time, it was on a larger scale since I had a bigger budget.

Still no real excuse for a […]

2017 NSCC #6 – Sample Size Swatches

At the show, I expanded my budget a little bit. I put a little cash aside each month just for this show, which was thankfully easier due to paying off my car and credit cards a while back. That allowed me to spend more time in boxes that weren’t $1 or less, and expand my […]

2017 NSCC #3 – Hitting the Dimebox Hard – Lester, Lackey, and Soler Edition

Alright, it’s been a little while since I’ve posted anything about the National, which isn’t good because I have a lot to cover still. The first two parts of the dimebox focused on what I’ve been calling the “legacy” collections. These next two are about the champs. Looking back, I’m actually surprised I didn’t find […]

Back to the Dugout – Part 2

Welcome back! Here we are at part 2 of what I think should be a three-part series, showcasing the goods I acquired from Kyle at Nolan’s Dugout. Part 1 is available to you right here. That time, I shared the Maddux and Thomas cards from the trade. Today will be all of the Gwynns and […]