It’s a COMC X-Mas (2013, Part 4 of 5)

Welcome to the second to last part of my initial Check Out My Cards purchase. If you’re just joining us, you can find the other parts of the countdown here, here, and here.

I bought a total of 85 serially numbered cards as a Christmas present to myself in 2013, which will be split into […]

2015 NSCC #4 – We Are Good

We Are Good.

It’s such a simple statement. Yet, it’s an accurate one. I’m not sure which Cubs player started using it, but I think it’s overtaken the “Let’s Go” motto that the marketing companies got paid a pile of cash to create as the victory cry this year. And we’re crying a lot.

As […]

Unparalleled Trade Partner, Multi-Parallel Trade

I know people are probably anxious to see posts recapping my adventure at the 2015 National Sports Collectors Convention, but that’s going to wait a bit longer as I organize more stuff. For now, here’s a package that basically feels like a mini-National.

Brian from Play at the Plate has always been a great supporter […]

Next Year(‘s Cards) Is Here

There is a lot of hype surrounding the Cubs. Even though in 2014 we finished last in the NL Central, somehow Vegas stared the year projecting us as one of the favorites to win the World Series. Granted, this team has been quite a bit better, but I think it’s possibly a tiny bit too […]

It’s a COMC X-Mas (2013, Part 2 of 5)

Welcome to the second part of my initial Check Out My Cards purchase. If you’re just joining us, you can find the first part of the countdown here.

I bought a total of 85 serially numbered cards as a Christmas present to myself in 2013, which will be split into 5 parts for sanity reasons. […]

Forgot to Set My Watch, Man

Look, I ain’t no Harper Lee, but it sure feels like I’ve been making Cards on Cards wait a long time for the sequel to our trade post. For a refresher, here’s the first section with the oh so clever title. That post covered my other player collections. This one will be all Gwynn all […]

People Still Make Trade Posts, Right?

One of the side effects of being away from the blog for over a year is that when you go back to trade posts, you completely forget what the trade was or what you sent.

That’s just a side effect. I don’t really care what I sent over. If the cards were that important to […]

Cards Upon Cards From Cards On Cards

I moved into my house about 8 months ago. At that time, there were a few people looking to send packages my way, but I wanted to wait until I got things semi-unpacked and I settled down.

Then I learned there was no such thing and let a couple know they could send away.

Madding […]

Almost There

I’m almost caught up with all my trade packages. I know, I know. I’m as surprised as you are. Of course with my semi-weekly trade bait posts going strong, I expect to be very far behind again very soon. Still, by my count I have about five people more to thank and then I’ll really […]

Breaking Mad-dux

I told myself I wasn’t going to buy any cards for a while. I need to stop the unnecessary spending, cut back on my discretionary items, and focus on the material possessions I already have.

But, I broke.

I almost had to. When you come across a deal this good, you just have to dive […]