Pre-National Card Show Post (Shown Way After Actually Going To The National)

In June of 2014, I went to a card show in Rockford.

First, we’ll start with the Cubs team set I bought for $5. At the time I needed 2 cards, but now the rest are either trade bait, or they’ll come in handy if I choose another Cub to replace Starlin.

The kid […]

Are We Having Fun Yet? I Am!

Today’s trade post comes courtesy of Nolan’s Dugout. I made this trade with him over a year ago (as is going to be the case for most of the trades you’ll see), so I don’t really remember everything we’re going to see today. Kyle doesn’t blog very much, which is a shame because his posts […]


I know I’ve been questioning whether or not to continue the blog, but I can unquestioningly say that I’ve been extremely lucky with the bloggers and readers I’ve “met.” It’s a great community, and I highly recommend it to people that have the time. I’m very sorry that I haven’t for a while.

Nick M […]

2015 NSCC #5 – Terrible Short-Term Memory

The mind is a funny thing. I love my mind and take pride in my level of competence and ability to learn quickly.

However, the mind is also a disappointing thing, and an unreliable thing. I’ve quickly learned that I can’t rely on the short-term memory side of my brain.

That’s why I prepared for […]

2015 NSCC #1 – Figuring Things Out

Yay! It’s about time I start talking about the National Sports Collector’s Convention, right? Sorry for the delay everyone. There will be a lot to go through over the weeks and months. Yes, months. That’s what’s bound to happen with my schedule and when you buy hundreds of cards and several boxes in a single […]

Unparalleled Trade Partner, Multi-Parallel Trade

I know people are probably anxious to see posts recapping my adventure at the 2015 National Sports Collectors Convention, but that’s going to wait a bit longer as I organize more stuff. For now, here’s a package that basically feels like a mini-National.

Brian from Play at the Plate has always been a great supporter […]

People Still Make Trade Posts, Right?

One of the side effects of being away from the blog for over a year is that when you go back to trade posts, you completely forget what the trade was or what you sent.

That’s just a side effect. I don’t really care what I sent over. If the cards were that important to […]

Cards Upon Cards From Cards On Cards

I moved into my house about 8 months ago. At that time, there were a few people looking to send packages my way, but I wanted to wait until I got things semi-unpacked and I settled down.

Then I learned there was no such thing and let a couple know they could send away.

Madding […]

Moving Right Along

A simple phrase that can mean so many things. In April, when I started this draft, I initially intended it to talk about the progress I was making moving into our new house.

I could write about the flurry of moves the Cubs have made recently. Tonight saw Matt Garza go, but prior to that, […]

Record Breaking Trade With The Record Keeper

When you think of a “true” card collector, what do you think of? What’s the criteria that pops into your mind?

Everyone collects in their own way, but that word “true” adds a certain qualifier that not everyone can meet. Perhaps to you it’s similar to a super collector. Maybe their collection is vast and […]