Gint-A-Cuffs X: Boxtopper and Packs 1-8

I’m back for another year of pack fighting.  Last year, I did not fare very well.  It can be tough to compete against anyone that might open a full case, or just luck into some case hit cards.  I did get a nice numbered autograph, but that was not enough to get me to place.  This year the playing field has been reduced, so if I get a decent enough box, then I have a chance.

Here’s a look at the rules on the official contest blog in case you have no idea what this is about or want to see who else is taking part.

So, we have to pick the favorite player and favorite team again and I went with Bryant this time after looking at the checklist, and the Cubs just as last time.

Ready?  Fight!

Box Topper

The N43 box topper isn’t all that exciting to me.  I’m not wild about the slightly oversized cards to begin with.  Having a Yankee is not a great start point-wise either.  The cabinet cards from last year looked great.  This is a bit bland.  Scoring wasn’t announced for the N43s at the start, so all I know is I’m starting with a negative. (NOTE: I’ve now updated it with the official decision)

Pack Total: +6 -1 (Yankee) = +5

Pack 1

Giancarlo Stanton (-1 For moving to the dark side)
Josh Hader (+3 Short Print Mini)
Venice Beach (+2 Beach insert)

I don’t mind the rolled up wallpaper look of this year’s set, but the biggest thing working against it is that it’s not very memorable.  I scanned the SPs backwards because the scoring system wasn’t up yet while I was prepping my scans, and I wasn’t sure if they would be worth points.

Pack Total: +4
Running Total: +9

Pack 2

Sanchez (-1 for being last year’s news or two years ago)
Bullpen Car (+1 for being a thing)
Maddux mini (+2 A&G back)
Rivera Fantasy Goldmine (+2 insert -1 Yankee =+1)

Too many Yankees already.  However, that disappointment is offset by getting a nice mini parallel of Maddux for my collection.  Should be worth a million points!

Pack Total: +3
Running Total: +12

Pack 3

Jeter (-1 for not being listed as a Marlin)
Rizzo (+1 Favorite Team)
Pitch Counter (+2 insert)
USSR (+3 Flag mini)

Unlike the full sized inserts, the mini inserts are pretty rare and most fall to 1:50 packs.  There are reports that some cases and boxes over deliver while some under deliver.  This is a good sign that mine will over deliver.

Pack Total: +5
Running Total: +17

Pack 4

Bryant World Talent (+2 insert +4 My Favorite Player =+6)

Oh hi, Kris!

Wow, only one scoring card in the pack and it’s my best pack score so far.  This is a good reason why I picked Bryant this year.  I’m a little surprised Tommy wasn’t worth some points, but it’s fun to have guys like him and Biz Markie in the set.

Pack Total: +6
Running Total: +23

Pack 5

Denis the Rash Mystery Mini (+4)
Moon (+2 insert)

We have another un-scored card with the MS numbered mini.  They were unannounced and don’t have odds.  This could make or break me, so we’ll see what the commissioner has to say later. [NOTE: I’ve updated this with the official score as well]

Pack Total: +6
Running Total: +29

Pack 6

Chris Sale Full Size Relic (+5)
Sandberg (+2 insert +1 Favorite Team =+3)

The first of three promised hits in the box is of Chris Sale, a man who’s cards are not as popular as his stats say he should be.  I don’t follow the AL, but I know how amazing Sale has been.  The Sandberg insert puts me over the edge with the new highest pack total so far.

Pack Total: +8
Running Total: +37

Pack 7

Ohtani mini (+2 A&G Back +3 Favorite Player list mini =+5)
Roatan (+2 Beach insert)

I was a little surprised to see that Ohtani was on the favorite player list, but I guess it makes sense considering I picked Bryant based on Checklist.  The guy is good, so an A&G is not a bad thing to land.  Oh, also an Acuna RC in the same pack.

Pack Total: +7
Running Total: +44

Pack 8

Ohtani mini (+2 insert -1 for taking away a spot in the insert set from a different country =+1)

Alright, so we end the first third of the box with a bit of a sour note.  The World Talent cards are fine, but we saw the exact same thing in a vertical format back in 2009 (My first year of buying A&G).  There has to be another concept they could try.  At least shift the globe to show the country mentioned.

Pack Total: +1
Running Total: +45


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