Promises, Promises

Aaaaand, I’m back….?

Have you been watching this space, like I asked?  If you have, I greatly appreciate it and I’m sorry.  I’ve done this a couple times before already in this blog’s history, but let me explain.

Just about this entire absence has been due to my job.  Right at the time Andy and I started opening the cases of 2014 Series 1 Topps, my work schedule exploded, and hasn’t let up.  And when I say right at the time, I mean it.  I requested three days off to work on the case breaking and ended up only being able to take 1.5 of them because we got suddenly swamped.

My job is somewhat unique.  I work from home for my high school friend.  He started a company that assists medical professionals with their government mandated quality reporting.  My job is to work with the doctors to make sure everything is running smoothly.  Well, demand increased rapidly for our service, virtually overnight, and the supply of people that we had to handle it didn’t.  Worse yet, it couldn’t due to various reasons beyond our control.  So, I (along with the few other people in my level of the company) had to do the work of 2+ people.  That resulted in going from a relatively normal work schedule, and usually not even a full 8 hours of duties most times, to working a minimum of 12 hours, and usually 16 hours every single weekday — with extra time needed on the weekends.

That lasted for about an entire year, and I wish I was kidding.

Now, the strings have loosened some.  Staffing is increasing, and life is slowly getting closer to normal.  I still have plenty of 12 hour work days, but I also have more regular 8 hour days.  The company has increased the amount of organizations we assist by 5X, and the organization that I manage is tripling in participation size this year, so things are always subject to change.

On top of that, I’ve had other issues to deal with periodically, mostly concerning my house, that were keeping me away.  It basically meant that when I did have any sort of free time, the last thing I wanted to do was spend it in front of a computer.  So, I would throw the laptop(s) aside and turn on video games instead.

There have been plenty of times where I’ve considered quitting the blog, but the desire to continue connecting with other collectors is too strong.  Instead, I’ll just say that I’m back for the time being and since I’m not completely out of the woods, work-wise, I’ll try to post as often as I can but there may be some bigger gaps.  It’s about trying to treat this more as a hobby or leisure thing rather than another job that requires a daily post.

I’m also not sure if I will be able to trade all that much yet either.  We’ll have to see how it goes.  I’m hoping that will change in the near term too, but work dictates all.

With all this said, I have been doing some card stuff here and there.  Mostly it’s been buying boxes, a couple of COMC adventures, and a few singles here and there.  I have a ton that I want to get rid off but I just need to get my act together.

So…stay tuned?  Again?


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