This week saw my 8th wedding anniversary come and go. My wife and I celebrated the actual day with little fanfare. We went out to eat at this 24-hour Mexican restaurant that we went to a lot when we first started dating, which was a complete departure from our usual tactic of finding a highly-rated fancy dining experience to try.
We’re saving that dinner money so we can take a trip in a week or so now over Memorial Day weekend to California and then later in the year going to Europe. Plus, it was nice to reminisce and revisit a place we went to 10-15 years ago but feel too fat to eat at now. Best huevos rancheros I’ve ever had at that place.

The most color on an SP Authentic card in years
We’ve never been too big on giving each other gifts for the anniversary. We’re also getting to the point where we don’t really want gifts for other things either as neither of us wants to accumulate a whole lot more stuff.

Ultimate cards were pretty nice
There was a time when we would basically just give each other money in a sense. With that cash, I would order cards on COMC for myself. I don’t want to bother her with trying to pick out specific things for me.

I appreciate the arrow so I know who the pitcher is
Well, it turns out that I’ve shown off every card I’ve bought for an anniversary binge by now except for the first four cards on today’s post. That’s pretty crazy and speaks to how we’ve gotten away from giving gifts.

Oddly blurry photo on a high end card
We do still give each other cards, but those are the traditional greeting cards. This year mine to her was a gold glitter parallel. That’s something I would typically avoid because I hate glitter, but the content fit us a bit too well to pass up.

Extra, Extra! Check out that calf muscle!
So, even though it’s our 8th wedding anniversary, our relationship started way back in 2003. If I were to try to tell the whole story, it would fill a large newspaper and have all kinds of weird details and ancillary characters like this box score.

No big surprise he’s an leader in some Braves stats
I figured I’d keep this an all-Maddux post for whatever reason and I don’t have a lot of marriage year cards (2011) for him. We’d have to be 90 years old to reach 60 years of marriage. Something tells me I won’t be blogging anymore at that time.

Even this is more clear than the Triple Threads
Maybe my collection would be as revered as original tobacco cards are today. The answer to that is probably “no” as well.

Same picture as the blurry Triple Threads used. This is 2 years earlier.
Neither of us are too big on diamonds but both of our rings incorporate them in some way. I think we’ll keep those for a while.
Happy Anniversary! Dinner at a 24 hour Mexican restaurant sounds amazing! We’ve got a lot of Mexican restaurants in my area, but not many are open 24 hours.
Thank you very much. Plenty of late night options out here, but sadly we’re getting older so we have to go at normal times. Luckily, the food tastes just as good no matter which time of day!