Very shortly, I’ll stop the three package rotation of trades I’ve been carrying on lately. I need to squeeze in some new trades that are trickling in, or recently arrived. I’m hoping that the sooner I can post the newer stuff, the more likely people will be to trade with me. Probably not how it works, but humor me. Besides, I can always come back to finish up these trade series as needed. I’m not sure if it’s better to be caught up on trade posts, or to always have a backlog.
Feel free to debate that below as we dig into the fourth part of my trade with Tom over at The Angels, In Order. He sent me a ton of John Lackey and Tony Gwynns. If you want to review the first part, you can do so here. Second part here. Third, here. I took a break from Lackey stuff to focus on Gwynn last time. I’ll come back to him later, because there’s still more, but I decided to finally start at the earliest of the Angels cards and look at young John today.

There was a time he didn’t look like he was in his 40s
Every time I checklist these, I have to double check if it’s the Vintage parallel or the normal base set. I still don’t think I have a good grasp

It didn’t last long
A couple of rookie cards are good ways to start. I know very little about 2003 cards still, but maybe I can expand that knowledge a tiny bit with this collection.

Not fair having two Garret Andersons on your team
What an unfortunately bland card. That doesn’t feel like Fleer’s tradition.

Back in the straight-up Anaheim days
2004 is an underrated design, or just not talked about very much. That tiny outline with the uniform number is such a nice touch.

There’s that…I want to say…smile.
It’s been a while since I’ve said it, but my opinion holds true, I don’t want Topps Total back (as we knew it). Not as budget friendly as people think and all the designs were trash.

Spring Training fun
Okay, Panini. You can skip this year in the Donruss reboot mash-ups you’re doing. Thanks

Lack-ing a second “t” there Scot
Another Topps Total card. This time, Lackey has to share space, and the look is still bad. I don’t care how much color you try to inject.

Perfect arm position
Two more. I can tell you’re getting tired. That red is a little harsh on the eyes, when there’s so much Cubbie blue usually.

The 2006 Topps will close us out for today. From my count, I think there will be two or maybe three more parts to Tom’s package (almost half of each player).
Thanks, as always, to Tom for the great trade that really gave my collection a quick boost. I look forward to showing off the rest over the coming weeks as I expand the trade rotation.
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