Alright, the week of trade bait has been posted, please check it out if you haven’t already. It didn’t hit as hard as I would have liked, so plenty of stuff is up for grabs. I’m looking forward to doing more trades over the next couple months, and I might have to do a little more groundwork to get those deals flying. While those cards come in, I still have some bigger trades that still need some attention with my slow pace.
Like this one from Tom over at The Angels, In Order. He sent me a ton of John Lackey and Tony Gwynns. If you want to review the first part, you can do so here. Second part here. Those were all about Lackey, and I’ll go back to him in future parts, but today is all about Gwynn.

That helmet is flying off
I don’t think I ever noticed that Topps produced the K-Mart sets. What I do notice is the color bleed and the weird glossy finish.

That font seems to change letter by letter
Oh, and they did the Kay-Bee ones too. I miss these little sets. Take the production numbers down 10 notches and they could be good.

Learn the stance, kids
Damn monopoly in 1989 from Topps. All they do is change the color of the border and the picture. If only they had competition in Kay-Bee tiny box sets, this wouldn’t happen.

I love that logo
Wow, did you know that Topps produced the Fleer sets? Maybe if they had, the picture quality would have been a bit better.

This is Score if you couldn’t tell
I think we dodged a bullet with this year’s Dream Team subset where all we got was this odd filter instead of shirtless players.

Second series, I believe
Who owns the license to Classic these days? I wouldn’t mind seeing a fresh take of that as a one-off.

Drawn for $5 on the boardwalk
How did I notice that there are real people in the background? I think the reflection in the sunglasses might be real too….. Love these cards.

Takes attention away from the helmet decal
I know this reflection is real. Such a cool shot from early Stadium Club.

Wrigley game
Lastly, we have another Classic card that isn’t as fun or flashy as the other ones from past years. I think these came as part of a packaged game, but I could be wrong.
Thanks again to Tom for the great trade! It’s always great to fill in so many of these gaps from the early ’90s. I’m not done with Gywnns from this trade yet either, but that will have to wait for a future installment.
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