Half of the box is behind us, and it left two of the three promised hits on the scoring table. With that red Brooklyn mini in there as well, there may not be a whole lot more to boost this box score.
Talking about it isn’t going to help me find out for sure, so let’s get these packs scanned and tally ’em up.

Nick Jonas (-1 because commish says so)
Honus Wagner – What A Day (+2 Insert)
Bob Forsch – Rediscover Topps (+1 Buyback)
Danny Duffy (+4 Black Border mini)
I love how the inset picture for Bob Forsch is different, but also not. I also love the jersey matching the sky. That third black border is also pretty nice.
Pack Total: +6
Running Total: +93

Aroldis Chapman (-1 for being a wretched human being)
Fishing Lures (+2 Insert)
Martin Prado (+3 SP A&G back mini)
More lures. Yay? I don’t think this counts as a Trout card in the same way. That A&G SP mini isn’t as cool as the black borders, but I’ll take 3 points.
Pack Total: +4
Running Total: +97

Ben Zobrist (+1 Favorite Team)
Reggie Jackson – What A Day (-1 for trying to kill the Queen +2 Insert = +1)
If it weren’t for the Yankee uniform, we’d be at 100 points by now. I haven’t talked about the What A Day inserts yet. I like the concept, but I would have liked a different execution. The back just explains the events of that day in baseball. It would have been cooler if there were other baseball trivia from other years of the same day, or even other world events from that same day and year. I think some days are also represented twice (different years) which is disappointing. Plus, there’s no card for my birthday (any year), which is more disappointing since it falls during playoff/World Series time.
Pack Total: +2
Running Total: +99

Kapral Joggler (-1 because the Commish says so)
Telephone – World’s Fair (+2 Insert)
Freddie Freeman (+2 A&G back mini)
And, after a minor set back with the Joggler card, we’re in triple digits. Scoring has been rough as expected.
Pack Total: +3
Running Total: +102

Alex Bregman – What A Day (+2 Favorite Player +2 Insert = +4)
Another rough pack. And I don’t even really have anything to talk about here. Blach.
Pack Total: +4
Running Total: +106

Luis Severino (-1 for unfulfilled potential, I think?)
Derek Jeter (-1 even though he’s technically a Marlin now and not a Yankee)
Battle of the Chesapeake (+2 Insert)
Georges Melies – Magicians & Illusionists (+2 mini Insert)
Dang, those Yankees are out to get me. I’m glad the Giant Panda doesn’t count against me with his black and white uniform. The Magicians and Illusionists cards are cool. I’ve always had a soft spot for magic, and Georges Melies also is a huge influence in the world of film (another passion of mine). Great card all around.
Pack Total: +2
Running Total: +108
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