Okay, now we’re slowing down. Not just blog wise. The Cubs only managed 5 wins in this batch of ten, which is the first without a winning record. That will make my job of catching up a little easier. Coming off a run of winning 9 of 10, going .500 isn’t too terrible. Maintaining our lead against the dormant Cardinals and Pirates is the primary goal.

’90 Fleer is an underrated design
My goal for the blog is to continue to use this series to clean up my old scans.

Back when the luster of UD was still new, but the production run was much higher
These were some Maddux cards I had laying around from my original collecting spurt as a kid.

I maybe bought 2 packs of 1992 Bowman
I really don’t have much to say about some cards, so why really force it. Let’s just enjoy the representative properties of this digital cardboard “win.”

Don’t look at the circle.
Although I will mention how cool this card is. I love subsets. I also love subsets with a purpose. I miss seeing cards like this in an normal set. I miss seeing different designs within the same normal base set.

Ta Da!
See, that wasn’t so bad, right? Just like the Cubs in this run. Not so bad. Not great either. I guess that could also apply to the look of these scans. Let’s see if I and the team can do better next time.
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