This weekend I went to a card show for the first time since attending the NSCC. It’s a monthly show down in Orland Park, which is a bit of a drive for me. I’ve never made it out to this venue, but I’ve been itching to search some bins and it’s advertised as 70 Tables for $1 admission. Well, I didn’t get a whole lot. I’ll save the specifics for another post, but you can get a preview by checking my twitter.
For now, we still have some NSCC cards to show off. I bought a boat load at the National (wish I could justify the trip out east for this year’s show) and I need to continue this series if I’m going to get through them all at some point.

Aggressive turn
And so that’s the theme of the night: cardboard mini-series where you have multiple cards of the same player in the insert set.

Tower of
I think it’s a nice touch to show his power by picking a picture with a broken bat. At least I think it is. Maybe it’s the angle, but I’m going to assume it’s a broken bat.

Or could have been called Anticipation
He looks prepared to me. Almost to the point of boredom.

I love that C logo
Leaf had so much fun with the all Thomas insert set in 1993, they decided to do it again in 1995.

Look out behind you!
These are a little gaudier, but get the job done. One card for each of his seasons thus far. I’m missing season 2. It was probably on the show floor, but I probably passed it up.

No need to run when you hit like that
I’m also missing season 6. I’m not showing 5, because I didn’t get it at the show. In case you care for some reason.

1998 #13
Pattern #13 – Lily Pads
It’s been a while, but here’s a new entry in the “Name the Pattern” list for Topps Tek.

2014 no pattern number given
There’s nothing to name here. The card isn’t named, but catalogs do it for us because Topps didn’t number the patterns in the revamp of Tek. This is the most common Spiral Brick format. Makes sense.

Gwynn : Panini :: Thomas : Leaf
To finish it off, we have this big insert set thing celebrating Tony Gwynn’s 3000th hit. I honestly didn’t know about this mini-marathon until after I got home. I bet I saw a few more of these, but assumed I had them because I grabbed this. Little did I know it’s a 21 card set (all separately numbered to 3000). Now I know for next time!
Man, I just came back from a card show and I already want to go to another one. Someone make that happen.
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