Things are going pretty well these days.
I work from home, and while I’m training, my job only really requires me to work maybe 3 or 4 hours a day.
I started up my new movie review blog with some of the extra time. Yup, I’m going to keep promoting it.
I’m keeping up with this blog (for the most part).
I’m reading more. Okay, it’s The Walking Dead comic book compendiums, but it still counts.
I’m getting closer to launching a kickstarter for a project I’m writing.
I’m really piecing my life together.
Now, if I can only piece the rest of this Starlin Castro puzzle together.

Look at that fake "Cubs" logo
I recently (by that I mean several months ago, so I guess I still have more piecing to do) conducted a twitter trade with Tracy, aka @batcavelv. You guys that aren’t on twitter really should be. It’s basically an extension of the blogging community and you get to interact with a different set of collectors like Tracy.
All you guys looking to dump Padres cards have a resource there. He also holds really cheap twitter group breaks all the time as well.

Only 7 more after this
I know it looks like this is the same card, but it’s not. These are two pieces of a 9 piece puzzle that will form that picture. I could have shown the picture side, and maybe I will later, but I figured it might be kind of weird doing it with just the two.
I’m excited about this puzzle. I’m excited about twitter trades. I’m excited. This is good.
Reading those Walking Dead comix is on my To Do list also.