There have been a lot of trade posts on here recently. Don’t worry, they’re going to slow down soon. I’m juuust about caught up with my trade posts. Then the no-trading ban will be lifted and all will be right with the world again.
How many of you remember my Topps Community Break from a few months back? Seems like ancient history at this point. Well, Kyle from Juuust a Bit Outside probably remembers. JABO (not to be confused with Jobu) was interested in one of the leftover teams and asked if I would trade for it.
He made an offer that I could have refused, but didn’t want to since it involved a few nice cards for my binders. And one for the sticker album

What do you mean the Braves page isn't done?
Freddie is really confused as to why no one has contacted me about my Brian McCann sticker need. He knows that I can trade all my sticker doubles for the last 2011 sticker needed to complete the set. Or an actual card if stickers aren’t your thing.

Tastes more like regular rookie cards
I don’t have a 1983 Topps rookie card to use for a personal side by side comparison, but I’m happy with the painted counterpart as a placeholder. The back is a little too faithful to the original. There’s only a tiny strip down the side that gives any indication about the year or card number of this 2003 Gallery Heritage insert.

I think it's cool that the top notch thing is still intact
Upper Deck X has overrun the repack boxes. I’m not sure if that’s where JABO found this gold die cut, but if I had to guess, I’d say yes. It’s also a card that wasn’t likely to be seen in many more trade offers, so I pounced. The only thing that distinguishes the gold die cut from the normal die cut is that slightly metallic ink outline. Boy do these feel fragile. I may have to keep it toploaded instead of paged up.

Name the game, because I'm not going to research it. Can't be that hard, right?
Even with the gold die cut, I think this is the winner of the trade. Update had pretty much just come out, so this Legend SP of Frank Thomas was high on my list. Sadly I still need the White Sox SP from Series 2. I know the value usually doesn’t increase for stars prominently featured in the background/foreground, but Joe Mauer’s appearance makes the card that much cooler to me. Don’t know why.
And that’s another trade down. “I don’t think this one had the distance” of other trades in terms of sheer numbers, but it’s just as thrilling to me as Jake Taylor beating out the bunt. Thanks a lot JABO. Everyone should check out his blog, because he’s holding group breaks faster than Willie Mays Hays over there.
Speaking of group breaks. It’s April so our 2003 Leaf Break is almost ready to happen (planning to do it April 5, opening day – get it?). I need one more question for everyone, don’t I? Well, let’s keep the theme going. Free Box Break Question: Are any of you out there interested in doing a 2012 Topps Archive Group Case Break? We did it for Topps Lineage last year to mild success. I think Archives looks better with all retired on-card autos falling 2 per box. That’s 20 autos of fan favorites per case. Preliminary research tells me it’d be somewhere between $30-35 team for a whole case worth. So, what do you guys say? This won’t be the official sign-up so don’t claim any teams yet. We just want a head count to see how close to full we can get it. It releases May 23rd if that affects your decision.
I would be interested in that with a caveat. Instead of ending up with 10+ of each of my team’s cards, I’d prefer some type of set lottery after each person gets one of each their team’s cards for the base cards anyway. The inserts and hits could go on as per usual.
I’d love a group break of 2012 Topps Archives. I was thinking of buying a box and wasn’t too sure about it, so a box break would be a great low price way to try the product (I think it looks pretty cool)
I am down for the Archives break!! Great idea guys. I am down for this in any iteration you come up with. Thanks!
I would be interested!
Too rich for my blood, but I’ll be following along intently, as I do with all of your breaks.
yup – it’s defintely not a cheap break…but if you need a dodger fan to step to the plate…i’m in.
I could be interested. If it releases in the summer, that’s good as I’ll have some disposable cash.
Name the Game? Well, it certainly wasn’t from 2011, I can tell you that much. The Twins’ road jerseys haven’t had pin stripes since 2009.
Also… although he was an A during his final career at-bat, and that final at-bat was against the Twins, given the bunting in the background, I’d have to assume this picture was taken either during Opening Week or the Playoffs. Big Hurt’s final at-bat was at the end of 2008, and he only played for Oakland in the latter part of that season. The Twins were not in the playoffs in 2008. The only other time he played with the A’s was in 2006, and he would have played either during Opening Week or during the Playoffs. Since Oakland didn’t play the Twins until the second week of the season, AND it was in Minnesota, then it becomes apparent that the photo was taken during the 2006 ALDS which featured jA’s vs. Twins. The first two games of that series were in Minnesota. The A’s swept the series 3-0. That means that the card in question must feature a photo taken of Game 3 of the 2006 ALDS. At the bottom of the fifth Inning of that game, Frank Thomas was called out on a play at the plate. That is the only instance in Frank Thomas’ career as an Oakland A in which he would have slid into Joe Mauer in the A’s home park during a play at the plate. SOLVED.
The Real Person!
The Real Person!
@topher – awesome detective work! Love the deductive reasoning, too.
I’d definitely be interrested in following it, joining, not so sure, trying to curb the buying habits this season, and the next box I’m buying came in about $25-30 higher than I was expecting… hope I get a good auto out of it to help pay for the box.
I’m not sure I’d be interested in a case break. I haven’t really checked Archives out so maybe I’ll change my mind.
Not sure if I would be able to depending if I had some extra cash in May. If I do than I’ll take a shot at it.
I would would be down after checking out the sell sheet.
It sounds fun, but the checklist is light on Rangers autos…only one possible that I saw.
I’d be interested but I can’t afford it. SO you’ll have to count me out.
Depending on affordability and how much I have earned from Field Agent to put in my paypal account I may have some interest. Seriously, if you guys have an iPhone and haven’t checked out Field Agent go do it now. Earn money while visiting stores you would’ve been in to begin with.
Can’t get myself into it. I spend my meager dollars at the dime boxes!
I would love to ddo a Case break but they are always out of my price range.
I might be in on that…. depending on the timing.
i would possibly be interested
Not sure I’m too interested at this time.
I (might) be interested in a group break – it would depend on whether or not I could land the Reds – and which Reds are included in the set I guess.
I may be interested, I haven’t checked them out yet
I wouldn’t be, just because of the cost. I’m definitely interested in the set. Not saying your charging too much, just having budget issues at the moment.
Maybe, depending on how the money situation is whenever the break occurs.
Perhaps, but most likely no for me.
If I could score the Giants, I think I would be in.
Like some others mentioned…for the right team I would bite!
I’m interested. On the fence as far as finances at the moment, priorities, etc…however, I’d be much more inclined to do it if you adopt Hiflew’s idea. I always end up with dupes and I’m just not as interested in that – even if from my chosen team. I’d rather get a variety.
I’ve never been a fan of group breaks, because both of my teams lack any true stars: Padres & A’s. However, I’m with arpsmith… if I had the Giants or the Yankees, I’d be in… since my students collect them.
[…] Topps Archives Baseball Case Break Sign-Ups Are Open! By Jon We polled and you answered. I know that not everyone that commented is interested in participating in a […]