Greetings from the 51st state!
No, this isn’t an announcement post. I’m not starting up another group break for a while. I don’t think I’ll go nearly as big as 11 boxes next time, either. That was just a bit too unwieldy. Of course, I picked a terrible time (personally) to hold it. But anyway, to those that participated I thank you. Most of the packages went out last Thursday with a few holdovers that shipped Monday. With luck you’ll be getting them this week or early next.
The group break I’m talking about is one of Colbey’s. Everyone knows his blog Cardboard Collections is the home of the affordable group break and I’ve taken advantage of quite a few. Since I’m still playing catch-up, this is the first of 3 that I have yet to post.

I didn't know performance enhancing drugs allowed you to be in two places at once. No wonder they're so good.
The break was a buy one get one random team style. I got the Orioles. Bonds shows up but you can see the Orioles logo on his chest for the other player. I’m too lazy to see who it was. One of the sets was 1995 Sportflix as I’m sure you’ve determined by now. Who wouldn’t want in on that action?
You know, I’ve been itching to do another Deconstruction of a Card post. I think this may be the set to dissect. What do you think? I think it would be fun but won’t be easy to accomplish.

A big man needs a Big card
The other product was 1994 Fleer Extra Bases. I came to know these as Jam Session cards from my basketball collecting days. I bought a ton of them. I believe I have one or two full sets back home if anyone’s interested in a sweet elongated Cedric Ceballos amongst others. Here are the backs, you’ll see an example of the front later, but just know that this is a giant different picture which makes it pretty cool in my book.

New manager sighting
I forgot to scan the White Sox Extra Bases. I got a few inserts in there too. If anyone’s interested let me know and I can go back and re-scan. The Thome is a bonus card thrown in as Colbey is prone to do.

Now that's a BIG hurt
Normall oddball sets are smaller in size than your typical card. Fleer Extra Bases goes oppo on us. By the way, I hate that term and I apologize profusely for using it. I’m sure the set got it’s name inspiration from the “extra” card height. There’s not much to write home about, but it was a budget-y product to begin with and it still beats 1995 Fleer by a mile. Nice touch putting the 1991 Fleer Ultra “silver” stripe at the bottom, too.

Break Yo Self!
I was lucky enough to get an insert of the Big Hurt, too! Notice something in his hands there? Regular readers of the blog (all 5 of you that are left) may recognize that showing up before. This may be the first appearance of the rebar on a card. You can see the other two sightings found so far here and here. I just looked it up, and apparently he swung this stuff around in warmups regularly. Further proof that cards can teach (or lead to learning, at least). Also further proof of how little I know about the players I collect.

He's flicking the ball on a Sportflix card.
Will someone start an online petition to bring back Sportflix again? I think the 2020 and Lineage 3-D popularity is proof enough that the demand is at least sort of there. Look at how awesome this card is! One image is his near-dive for the ball, then the next is him regrouped and tossing to the pitcher on his way to the bag. Only two main images, but a great touch on the card is that the Sportflix logo changes to the team logo, and the name gets progressively larger in about 10 steps, not just the 2.

I can check this one off my list
Frank was also on one of the checklists. My only gripe here is on the sidebar. I think it would have been a simple, fun touch to have the check marks gradually appear. They’re unfortunately constant and unmoving. The word “checklist” expands over several images, while Frank alternates between ready to swing and swung.
Thanks as always to Colbey for running the break. It was a lot of fun and I got some great new additions (as well as the tallboy pages to hold the Extra Bases cards). I’m sure I’ll be back for more. After all, as the title says, I can’t get enough.
hey there – got my group break package yesterday. THANKS A LOT !! thanks for organizing it, getting all those boxes, making vids, and then carefully packaging everything and sending it out for us. it was my first GB, and it was a great experience. looking forward to joining others as the budget allows. THANKS AGAIN !!
Hey I’ve got to give you guys props too for the group breaks you’ve hosted. I equally enjoy participating in your breaks – esp. the ones when you pull Brave after Brave!