All that talk…
All that talk yesterday about taking my blogging seriously and I committed an error. Well, if you go back and proof-read it, I’m sure you’ll find several, but that’s not what what I’m talking about.
It’s an error that could easily go unnoticed by everyone else in the world but me. I forgot to include some cards in yesterday’s trade post. I’m sure Night Owl wouldn’t have noticed. A lot of bloggers show highlights and not the whole thing. I do that myself quite often. None of you other readers would know since you don’t know what came in the mail.
But I know. I know because I try to keep my cards organized. Evidently to a fault in this case. Let me break down how my system works so you can see where the system broke down.
I get cards. I log cards in my spreadsheets by highlighting them. I scan any cards not previously received elsewhere, grouping by player whenever possible, and save them to player specific folders by transaction name (“night owl gq trade” for instance). Then when it’s time to post about the trade, my folders are sorted by modified date so I can find things in the order they were scanned and thus received. I search through every folder to make sure I got everything. If I feature every card for that player in a particular scan, the master image goes in a completed folder while the individual cards go into a different completed folder. It’s not as complicated as it sounds.
This time I missed the scan in the Frank Thomas folder.
So tonight, I present to you part 2 of the trade. Partly so I don’t have to cycle past the master image for months on end until I get around to posting them naturally otherwise. Partly because they are awesome and I want to write about these cards too.

Anyone know the significance of 9:18 on the bomb?
It’s not officially labeled as such anywhere, but collectors from this era instantly recognize this as a Pro Vision card. In 1991, these were inserts and the black borders were a welcome departure from the yellow set. This year, they became a subset, but no less welcome. The art (uncredited on card) is fantastic and creative. I don’t know of a bad Pro Vision card. I miss these. Maybe more than I miss anything else from that era of collecting, and I wish someone would make this happen again.

Blue Fleer?
I don’t remember ever seeing these before. I can’t tell if I like the blue better than the green because it looks better or simply because it’s something different than what I’m used to. This is part of a 24-card Citgo set. I don’t know everyone else that was in it, but I do know there’s a Tony Gwynn to track down.

Not regulation
Look at how big that bat is! That’s crazy! It must be a dream. I make fun, but I still enjoy this subset immensely. Anytime a card company did something noticeably different within their set, I appreciated the effort. When it was done well, it fueled my collecting desires.

Post Ultra?
Post really borrows from the 1992 Ultra design here, don’t they? That marble finish looks a lot like what you’d find on the Tony Gwynn collection inserts from that set (you’ll see those soon). The slant, the marble, and really that’s it. But it’s enough for me to notice, dammit! Can we have cards in our cereal boxes again, please?

Red really pops on chrome
Night Owl is almost always good for a chrome card in my dealings with him. I love getting Frank Thomas Blue Jays cards (and A’s), because that means it’s one less wrong uniformed card I have to seek out and potentially purchase. Luckily, it was at the tail end of his career, so he doesn’t have a ton of cards for either team and they can stay buried in the back of the binder.
Thanks again, Greg! It’s always great trading with you.
And there you have it. Folders have been searched and this is the actual end. For realsies.
Frank looks lean and mean on that Post card.
Yeah, I had no idea.
A bomb in a bat. Amazing.
The art (uncredited on card) is fantastic and creative.