This is me trying to get caught up on trade posts a little faster before my group break officially opens (possibly later tonight!!).
Back in the day, when I opened up my “birthday” box of 2009 OPC, I was able to finagle a few trades out of you guys out there. In fact, I think one trade is still pending if I’m not mistaken. Check out the original post if you think you might want some inserts or email me if you have set needs.
Anyway, The Daily Dimwit wasn’t so much interested in the OPC cards, but rather the Upper Deck 20th Anniversary set cards that reared their ugly heads. He’s taking on the admirably ambitious task of actually completing the 73,402 card set. I only had 7 that I could find to send along, although I swear there’s more somewhere. In return for all that non-sport (and Martin Brodeur) goodness, I got 4 sweet Greg Maddux cards to eventually add to the binder (once I organize my binder).

Mad Dog looks like he's demonstrating something dirty
Do you know what this card means? It means I have completed the 2006 Artifacts for GM. When you get into the 2000s, it’s pretty rare to find a set that has no parallels AND no inserts to chase. This set does have printing plates, but I don’t roll like that. Nothing numbered less than 50 for me, thank you very much! As for the card itself, it could be cooler. The first impression is that it’s going for that wanted poster look, which means a sepia tone photo would be better suited. However the set name and font indicate a more Egyptian theme, and I’m not picking up on that too well. Perhaps there should be a scarab or two in the corners. Perhaps “age” the borders more to look like rolled parchment.

"And da guy wuz badmouthin' my old lady, you see, so'z I popped 'em right in the ol' kisser like dis, see? Dat little 8 year old twerp won't be coming around here no more, I tell you whut, Sully."
Padres card. Dodgers card. Ah, who cares? As long as it’s a card I didn’t previously have, I’ll take it. 2007 Upper Deck is like the Letterbox version of baseball cards, except longwise. I used to work in a video store, and people would complain all the time about the black bars on the top and bottom of their screen taking away from their picture (this was in the early days of DVD and virtually non-existent or ridiculously expensive widescreen TVs). What’s with the gray bars on the sides of my card? Oh, it’s a design? Well, can it have color or something? No? Alright….

"And doggone it if dat brat didn't come back wit a couple of his friends. Well, Sully, I didn't even wait for dem to tawk, I just fed dem all knuckle sammiches up until dey ran back ta mommy."
I can’t tell if bloggers like this set or hate it. Cubs from this set more so than most will get included as bonus cards in my trade packages. Is this because everyone bought it and wants to share the wealth or because people bought it and regretted it and now want to unload it on poor saps? Personally, I think it looks nice enough, but I don’t know if I’d buy any packs. Unlike Artifacts, there are plenty of cards in this set left for me to hunt for. Luckily they’re all marked with a big X, so they shouldn’t be too hard to find as long as I bring my treasure map.

A tip of the cap after his performance of Sully and Maddy. Thank you for joining us on Masterpieces Theater.
I know what people’s opinions are of this set. Getting the black border was quite the thrill for me. Anytime I can get any sort of colored parallel before I Am Joe Collector, it’s a good day. I’ll be on the hunt for other colors in the rainbow, but I think they’re all hiding away in his bomb shelter destined to resurface only after the zombie robot apocalypse of 2033 wipes most of us out.
A big thanks to The Daily Dimwit for the great trade. Please, if you have any 20th Anniversary cards laying around, make his life easier and trade them to him? Sully would have wanted it that way.
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