1 Year Anniversary Contest!

While one contest is wrapping up, it’s time to start up another.

Exactly one year ago today, Andy and I started up this blog with little more than a dollar and a dream.  While that dollar has since been spent on 1993 Stadium Club; the dream remains.  The dream is to continue growing the blog into something special and fun for everyone involved.  We aim to make the “Community” in our name more than just a word.  We’ve come a long way since our very first post (oh, we were so young and naive back then), and today marks two important milestones in our history.

1) The one year anniversary thing, of course.
2) We got our first free boxes from a manufacturer.

Andy went to Tracy Hackler’s doorstep in his tattered rags and dented tin cup and begged Mr. Panini America Marketing Guru for a handout.  Well, Tracy and Panini America obliged thrice-fold with three boxes of new stuff for us to share with all of you.  I know that some people don’t like free boxes direct from the manufacturers, and I understand that to an extent.  I don’t necessarily agree, but I understand.  Just know that our mantra with the freebies is “If it’s free for us, it’s free for you.”  We have no intention of keeping any of the hits we get.  We just want to cover the three “R”s of the products:  to Rip, Review and Rgiveaway.

We figure that since our blog is one year into it’s existence, and clearly on the path to becoming timeless, that for our anniversary contest, we’d give away the contents of this high-end box of 2010-11 Timeless Treasures Basketball.  Want to know what you’re playing for?  Check out the box break video below – it’s short.

How the contest will work is a mystery…..to you!

All you have to do is leave a comment.  It can be as long or as short as you’d like it to be.  We’re not revealing how we determined the winners until after the fact.  I will tell you this much, all of the winners will be based around the fact that it’s our year anniversary.  Where your comment falls on the list could end up being a factor, or it may not.  The length may be a factor, it may not.  The words you use in your comment may be a factor, or they may not.  You won’t know until after the contest ends.  You can only leave one comment. If you do leave more, only your first comment will be entered in the contest.

Deadline to enter:  Friday, January 14 at 11:59 PM CST.  We’re giving away four prizes on this – hits 1, 2, and 3, and prize 4 will be the 3 base cards.  Once we have the list of winners, we’ll random them around to figure out who’s getting what.

On behalf of Andy and myself, I want to thank everyone who has visited, commented, traded, emailed and shared with us this year.  It’s been great getting to know some of you and hopefully we’ll get to build on that as year two goes forward.

25 comments to 1 Year Anniversary Contest!

  • Matt H.

    Congrats on your anniversary. This is also my wedding anniversary (4 years now). Time flies!

  • Daniel

    Great job. Your persistence has got you over the annual hump.

  • Congrats on the one year anni!!! It is an awesome date for an anniversary, all the ones… I am two months away from my 5 year wedding anniversary, 3-11-11. Anyway, you are completely timeless and getting free schwag makes you even more legendary! Cheers!

  • First of all Congrats on one year!!!! Hope you guys make 10!! And thanks for the comtest, thats really cool of you guys!! Wicked out!!

  • Tom

    Thanks for the previous contest too! Congrats on the first year, Community Gum / Jon thanks for sharing, good luck Rippin, Reviewing AWESOME free boxes, pull something kool and Returning to the community ( free cards again. ) Karma and hope u pull a great Maddux too! Maybe a Frank Thomas or Roberto Clemente card? That’s what I collect. Posted 1/11/11. Maybe you’ll pull a kool 1 OF 1?
    – udeckcoll

  • Wow, 1 year, and all those 1’s 1-11-11! It’s funny how numbers can play such a large role in our lives. Early last week, I managed to hit my 43rd 3rd (born 1-3-68). Next month I’ll hit my 17th 17th (married 2-17-94), My wife wants one of those 3 stone rings, I told her I’d trade her a 3-stone ring for 1 diamond (I want to attend my first MLB game this year). And what better way to celebrate anything, than with freebies. Inexpensive is good, Free is always better. And what a better way to add to my 1-card basketball collection than with Timeless Treasures Basketball (I actually won that 1 card with my first blog contest entry!).
    Well, I certainly hope length does not count against me in this latest contest, I won cards in your most excellent pack lottery contest earlier this week too. Well, I think that this should suffice for my “one comment” entry into this anniversary contest.
    In summary, Happy 1st anniversary, of hopefully many to come, Thanks for your pack lottery contest, thanks for this latest contest, and Free is always GREAT!
    P.S. I mailed your A&G #139 in today’s snail-post, hope you get it soon.
    Have a GReat day!

  • bd

    Happy Anniversary! Thanks for this great contest and the extraordinary effort on the previous one!

  • Congrats. My, how time flies. I’ve enjoyed the journey you’ve been on and look forward to seeing where it goes.

    A big thanks to Panini America for being generous.

    I’m glad that this contest is much easier than that last one. My head is still reeling.

    Again, congrats.

  • cam

    To start, congrats on a year! I love this site and hope to see it go on forever. Also, great Paul Pierce pull! Thanks for the contest, hope I win!

  • Your 1-year anniversary falls on 1/11/11? That’s cool, but way too many ones for my brain to take in.
    I love free cards. Who doesn’t love free cards? Everybody loves free cards!
    Paul Pierce has always been one of my favorite players, and that patch is one of the nicest Pierce cards I’ve ever seen.

    Go Cubs!!

  • Kev

    Congrats on the Anniversary.

  • gokings02

    Congrats to your first anniversary and many to come. I love the preview of new products and your thoughts Keep it up and thanks for the contest.

  • arfmax


  • Steve D

    Congrats on the anniversary! And thanks for some fun reading and trading!

  • RoofGod

    Didn’t think of the 1-1-11 1 year anniversary thing until I read other comments but congrats on making it this far. Hopefully you can continue to bring entertainment for years to come. Ok, now on to your break, while that break wasn’t bad I find nothing more infuriating than getting cards that are damaged in packs like that Pierce patch, with the fraying already going on I am always fearful that it will continue to fray and detract from the overall astetic looks of the card which I actually don’t think is that bad.

  • Great Stuff! Congrats on the one year aniversary. I am a newer follower but love the stuff I have seen and look forward to seeing more great stuff from you guys.

  • Nick

    Congrats guys, keep up the awesome work!

  • Jay

    One whole year with another to come..

    I look forward to spend with CommunityGum.

  • Garrett G

    Happy anniversary.

  • Play at the Plate

    Panini has hits and misses, but it’s cool that they give you stuff to review. Community Gum has only hits so keep up the good work! By the way, is there any gum left from that picture on your first blogpost? Thanks Andy and Jon!

  • Congrats on one year. Great box break. Pierce patch is sick!

  • Daniel Wilson

    Congrats on your first year! Here’s to many more!

  • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DINuAWoxy4Q

    dudes… click on the link. or copy and paste, whatever the young kids do nowadays….

  • Booyah! (Yes, I’m told that people somewhere still say that.)

  • […] and I were both overwhelmed at the outpouring of support and congratulations and whatnots on the announcement of our 1st anniversary! It’s been a blast so far and we can’t wait to see what the new year […]

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