Gentlemen, Start Your “Hawk” Eyes!

The time has come.  We’ve teased it for a while now, but our first official contest is underway!  Here’s how it works.

If you’ve been following our last couple posts, you know that we won over 700 packs of junk wax in an ebay lot.  The packs ranged all sports (and we mean all – Canadian Football, Motocross, Scottish Soccer, Boxing, Racing, etc.), and overall left something to be desired.

We walked away limping with a mere 128 packs of baseball cards.  These ran from 1987-1991 or so.  Keep in mind that when I say pack, I’m counting it the same way the seller did:  Cello counts as 2; Racks count as 3.  Either way, not a massive haul of 9-inning cardboard.  It did, as we’ve mentioned, inspire a contest.

We decided to pick a player that would have the chance to appear in every years’ cards and we would have you, the viewer, guess how many cards of that player we pulled from the pile.

After a little bit of deliberation, the choice was clear.  We’re Cubs fans, so it should be a Cub, and so what better player to pick this year than the newest Hall of Famer, Andre Dawson?  Yes, we’re talking about one of three players in the 400 HR-300 SB club.  Yes, the same guy who won 8 Gold Gloves and made 8 All-Star teams.  Yes, the 1977 ROY.  Yes, the guy who came to the Cubs via a blank check.

Yes, the 4-time Silver Slugger winner. Yes, the 1987 NL MVP. Yes, cards like these, but not these cards as they were acquired years before the contest.

To count as a Dawson card, he has to not only be pictured (or drawn) but also be one of the players named (front or back).  He can’t be lurking in the outfield of a Mark Grace card, but he can share a card with other league leaders, etc.  Now, obviously we’re not going to display all 128 packs on the blog and highlight the Hawks, so unfortunately, you’ll have to take our word for how many there are.  It’s a drawback, but logistics of the sample size demands it.

So, loyal readership (and others, really), how many cards of “The Hawk” will we find in our 128 packs?  How many Dawson-flavored jellybeans in the jar?  How many needles in the junkstack?   Just leave your comments below and the person who comes closest WITHOUT going over will win the prize.  What’s the prize you may ask?  Don Pardo, tell them what they’ll win!

'08 & '09 Heritage Flashback Stadium Seat Relics could be yours - IF the price is right.

We just got back into collecting, so we don’t have a large pool of cards to draw from, but we felt a Hall of Fame themed prize was appropriate.  Better than just winning all the Dawson cards, right?  So, you’ll get not one, but two (!) Flashback Relics of Hall of Famers Luis Aparicio and Brooks Robinson.

Contest will end next Sunday at, let’s say, 11pm CST.  Spread the word and Hawk it up!

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